Thought Junior High School is fun, but now i think it's not. Or exactly, i'm not yet feel that because i don't have fun. Really, it just makes me bored, tired and crazy with all of my homeworks and tasks. It's too much and makes me very busy til' i don't have a free time to just have a life. TV times, friends time, hang out, or anything. It almost done makes me crazeeeh. I've just done my holiday 1 month ago but i'm kinda stressed of all this, so now i think i need holiday. Well, Mums told me i can't managed times. Maybe i do.
Talk about holiday, i know it's still along. But i dreamed all of my fantasies holiday. Do you? Since i 9, i want to be a backpacker beside my job. I wanna visit countries around the world and learn cultures. It pulls me up more when i watch Eat Pray Love hahahaha :)
I've visited Java, Sumatera and Sulawesi, and Bali Island in Indonesia. First, Java Island. I'm livin' there now.. exactly, at Cimahi, near Bandung, West Java. Second, Sumatera Island. I lived there for 1 year, follow my Mum and Dad for his job. Third, Sulawesi Island. I was born there, at Ujung Pandang aka Makassar. Fourth, Bali. Well, i'm sure many domestic people knows what Bali is. One of many reasons that make me proud of Indonesia is Bali. I admit it, it's really beautiful place and i understand why domestic people loves Bali. I wanted to visit Kalimantan and Papua Islaaand. I wanna visit nature place that haven't touched human's dirty hand such as the forest and the beach.. i know there many beautiful places in Indonesia.
The farest place i've ever visit is Malaysia and Singapore when i was 4th grade. I just remember i visited Genting Highland, Petronas, Johor, Penang, etc. What makes me envious to them is because.. they're very orderly, discipline and high awareness to their environment and signs on the road.. so rarely i found congestion there.
What makes me excited too.. Mum invites me to trip to Spore again with my family (except Dad -__- )!! Backpacker-ing :)) well i can't wait for that.. the plan is on January or February. That's what called holiday! You know what i do every weekend?

I want to have free time that doesn't make me bored. Maybe do crazy photograph somewhere else is good idea (once a life, it must done before i'm old and getting boring). I wanna have a free time that i can do activities i never did.. sounds thrilling and fun! Do tattoo temporary on my hands and plays, run, jump, crazy things on beach.. backpackering.. that's life and have been my obsession.

Someday, when i getting adult and have a job, i promise i'll having a trip to Paris!

Grammar 100% fail