
Price Tag

10:18 AM

Jessie J - Price Tag cover by Conor Maynard
Ahhh seriously i love his voiiice! He deserve to be a famous singer!


look at ourselves

10:21 PM

Pernah ngga kamu ngerasa nggak puas dengan apa yang dimiliki kamu?
Jangan khawatir. Saya pernah
Pernah ngga kamu ngerasa kecil dan terbelakang diantara orang-orang banyak?
Jangan khawatir. Saya pernah
Pernah ngga kamu merasa ingin jadi si A, ingin jadi si B?
Jangan khawatir. Saya pernah
Pernah ngga kamu merasa ngga ingin jadi diri kamu sendiri?
Jangan khawatir. Saya pernah

Dan mungkin nggak cuma aku, semua juga pernah. Semua ngerasa kurang. Semua ngerasa ngga puas. Semua kadang jenuh. Humans are never satisfied, right?
Dengan perasaan dilanda seperti itu, aku ngerasa semua bener-bener terasa menyebalkan, ngga sesuai harapan.

Aku senang jadi pendengar. Berkesempatan jadi pendengar cerita orang, rasanya bener-bener menjadi suatu kebanggaan. Kepercayaan itu sulit didapet, susah dipertahankan juga.

Mendengar itu menyimak, mengamati. Mendengar dan mengamati cerita dan pengalaman orang, nggak hanya sekadar menerima gelombang suara. Mendengar itu pekerjaan berat. Menjadi pendengar, rasanya seolah-olah berada di dalam posisi orang itu juga. Cerita orang itu pengalaman hidup.. yang bisa jadi pelajaran bagi hidupku juga. Aku bisa lebih tau mana yang benar dan mana yang salah.

Mendengar curhatan banyak orang, bikin aku bercermin ke diri sendiri. 'Ya ampun, betapa ngga bersyukurnya aku'. Aku ngga bersyukur atas diri aku sendiri. Aku selalu ngga puas, aku ingin lebih, aku ngga ingin jadi diri sendiri. Selama ini aku nggak menghargai diriku sendiri. Itu semua ngerasa aku semakin kecil, semakin buruk. Aku terlalu perfeksionis. Slogan "nothing's and nobody's perfect" udah terlalu sering kita dengar sampai kita lupa makna slogan itu sendiri.

Harusnya aku bersyukur. Dengan segala kekurangan aku, ya.. itulah aku. Sepenuhnya aku. Buat apa sih aku bermalu-malu dengan kekurangan aku? Toh, semua orang juga punya kekurangan. Nggak perlu jadi seseorang yang 'beda' untuk menutupinya. Nggak perlu jadi 'segalanya' bagi setiap orang.

Allah kan nyiptain kita berbeda-beda, kekurangan dan kelebihan yang berbeda. Aku mencoba merubah pola pikirku. Semua rasa ketidakpuasan aku nggak lain karena aku belum bisa menghargai diri sendiri. Pengen rasanya menjadi si itu, atau jadi kembarannya pun nggak papa. Aku harus menghargai diriku sendiri. Aku sama seperti mereka yang aku inginkan dan aku patut bersyukur. Tuhan hanya menciptakan satu Paris Hilton, satu Bill Gates, satu Sherina, dan hanya ada satu 'aku' yang ada di bumi ini. I'm rare, i'm amazing, i'm beautiful just the way i am :)

Zaskia Osya Denaya

so today


11:35 AM

December sky

It's already December! Yeaaay :)

OK, December is the month that i like the most. Dunno why, but i thought that i always got lucky things at December. December, reminds me of Mba Ajeng's birthdate. She will turn 16th this month, 6 more days! Woo-hoo! Hmm gonna make a little surprise to her. Last year, i put a ring box on her bed with flowers. There was a sticky notes in the box, some clue of the location of her present. 'the place where you can see around the houses, road and electric tower'. It's the 3rd floor of our house, where all of laundry being sun-dried in there. I set the baloons and get rid of all the laundry, and i put the present there. It was so sweet. Well, Mbak Ajeng's friend were there, too. And they were envy, they said 'aaah! you've the sweetest sister in the world, Jeng. You should proud of her'. Hihi ;)

Mbak Ajeng

I will have a final-semester examination the day after tomorrow. Hmm, a bit nervous. Hope that i will pass all of my exams. We'll have exams at 12th Dec-17th Dec, and at the 19th-21st, we'll have a class meeting! Yeaay! My very-first class meeting, i know. I think i'll join English speech and Chess. It'll be memorizing ;) promise that i'll post about the class meet here! Next, at 22nd Dec, my JHS 1 Cimahi will have a bazar and an art-culuture festival (pensi)! Aaah can't wait for them (wish that t i could 'skip' the exams week :p ). At 23rd, i'll get my semester raport. Wish me luck, people! :)

Last week, my family and I went to the town to shopping. We went to Rumah Mode, Ciwalk, and other places. We had so much fun since we getting busy. First, we went to Rumah Mode and we bought some clothes. Well, i don't remember when do we shopping together. We had lunch at Gokana Teppan, Ciwalk. My family and I love ramen. My mum said ramen has the same taste with 'sauto Tegal', lol :D then we were shopping again. I found something cute at christmas sale at the center of the mall--anyway, i'm not having christmas, i'm totally a moslem--, santa and snowdoll rings! Didn't think twice, i took it to the chasier and then pay it all. Those are really cuuute! :)

Santa and Snowdoll rings

Welcome, Best-ember! ;)
Zaskia Osya Denaya

so today

4:45 PM

Me: Why is it always ME?!
Mba Yaya: Because you were born to be a leader
Me: I am not.
Mba Yaya: Yes you are. If you don't think, probably your friends think that you're deserve to be a leader. And so do I.
Me: why is problem always comes to me?
Mba Yaya: Everybody has problem. You're not alone. And like i said before, you're a leader. Leader must have many experience. There are many lesson that doesn't teached at school. Life-lessons. And you know? You are a teenager that already have maturity.
Me: What? I'm just a kid.
Mba Yaya: No. You are already a teenager, dear. Mature doesn't make you to be a boring and serious old-people. You are a mature-thinking person, and i proud of it.
Me: I have many problems at school. With my teacher, friends, and... the seniors! I don't know why people hate me.
Mba Yaya: Positive thinking! They didn't hate you. Maybe, some of them are just being envy. You are a strong person. You are a mature. You know what to do.
Me: I'm sick of all of this.
Mba Yaya: Listen to me. Failure and experience makes you mature. You have to learn from all of your mistake. Don't too perfectionist. Mistake is humanly. Be patient, be positive, and be independent.
I will, sis.