classmeeting and OMG art festival!
2:59 PMHello bloggie! :)
Anyway, i did promised to post about classmeet and art festival on my school, right? :) here is it!
At 19-21 Dec '11, we had classmeeting. There's so many contest that can be joined by all students. There must be a representative from each class for each contest. There are; modern dance, put a pencil to the bottle, acoustic contest, english speech, story telling, take the eels at the basin to another basin, egrang contest, shoot basketball, photogenic, and photography contest. Well, i had speech contest at 21 Dec '11. I was so nervous :p
Could you imagine, how you could speech without text for 3 sheets paper in front of your friends and the jury? I got number 9. 9 seems like my lucky number! Anyway, Mam Indri told us that we can read with the text, and i was like 'OOOYEAAAH!" :D
First perfomance, there was Hilmi from 7H told us about green and healthy school. And what makes me surprised, the jury gave us some question that related about the theme of our speech. And the second there was Nina speeched the same theme as Hilmi. Then the third was Reksa, and my senior (i don't know who's his name :p), then Kak Channia, then Rida, and i don't know who's next after them.. and then it's my turn.
Deg deg. (?)
I picked 'How to be a remarkable RSBI school' as theme of my speech. Here is it!
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Your excellencies the committee,
The honorable of jury,
Dear my friends who participates in this speech contest,
Good morning!
All praises be to Allah SWT, the lord of the world, the master of the day after, the creator of everything in this Universe, where he has no partner. He has also given us such deeply enjoyable, particularly faith and healthy comfort, hence, we could attend here in a good situation.
Peace and salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has taught us the cardinal principles of the unity of God, obliged us to confess it with the tongue and believe it in the heart. He also has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, from stupidity to cleverness.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me introduce myself before. My name is Zaskia Osya Denaya, I am a 7th grader at our beloved school, SMPN 1 Cimahi. Everybody knows that SMPN 1 Cimahi is a Stubs International Standard School also known as RSBI. But exactly what is meant by RSBI school?
If we Google it, we’ll find “Rintisan Sekolah Berstandar Internasional (RSBI) is an SSN that prepare students based on National Education Standard (NSP) and renowned international so expect graduates to have international competitiveness”.
The objective of RSBI schools are 1) Improve the quality of national education, 2) Provide opportunities at schools that have the potential to achieve national and international quality, and 3) Prepare graduates who are able to take an active role in global society.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We have a nice school environment. The green, clean, and healthy school. Our school facilities are complete, that including the criteria to get the label "RSBI" in front of our school name. Such as; library, computer and internet laboratory, science laboratory, English laboratory, school hall and the orhers. Look at the others schools. Not all schools in Cimahi have a projector, speakers, computers, lockers, and a soft chair in their classes like we do. We, as the students of SMPN 1 Cimahi should be grateful. SMPN 1 Cimahi is one of extraordinary school.
However, not a few other schools that given the label of "RSBI". In Indonesia, there are hundreds of junior high school who holds an RSBI label. Other RSBI schools may indeed have many elite buildings and amazing facilities, but I know, we can also emulate them in our own way.
Be aware, that the main role in the school is not our teachers, but the students themselves. Yes, it’s us. We can promote our school from other schools. We can make our school to be the best.
How do we can make our school becomes a remarkable RSBI school? How do we can make our school the best of the best? We need a strategy. Everything we can do in the most simple, and most significantly is the little things that escape from the view can have a big impact. All of these things can be tricked.
First, we can do it from the cleanliness. We come to school every day to learn, right? We're not going to feel comfortable to learn in the class who didn’t kept clean. Hygiene comes from our own consciousness. Just think back, what is hard from walking a few steps and throw garbage to the trash? Cleanliness is our responsibility. In the cleanliness, we also need solidarity. Let us warn each other of our friends to cleaning the class together. Make cleanliness becomes a fun with friends. We need unity in this case.
One thing that I always hear from my friends, that school is boring. According to my perception, sometimes it’s us who make the school sounds like as a boring place. Be positive-thinking. Trying to suppose that our friends as the person who encouraging us to come to school. Even at the study time, we as students not only listened to teachers explain the material in front of the class, but let’s try to give an opinion, as if we talked and poured all the knowledge we have. In this case, the communication between students and teachers are less cemented. Sometimes the students feel awkward to the teachers. In fact, we can regard the teacher as our friend in terms of knowledge.
Don’t we still can see, there is always a group that is considered popular and which ones are not? It's one thing that I think should be eliminated. Students who are considered popular don’t want to join with other students, and vice versa. We split. We are not as one. From now on, let's change our mindset. There is no difference between us. Between who the smart student and who’s not, which is popular and which is not, which is beautiful and which is not. We are same. We are friends.
Seniority is also one of the things worth noting. For all of my seniors, I know and I understand what it feels like to be respected or not respected by the juniors. But I hope, the difference between older and younger grade class didn’t make the connection between us become tenuous, because there is a feeling awkward between us. And I am sure that there’s not, even one of bullying cases in SMPN 1 Cimahi. We are all family.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Let’s look around us. Our friends are different. Our friends are unique, nothing is the same. Our skin is different, shapes and different hair colors, faces and different character. Isn’t that amazing?
Yes, here, at SMPN 1 Cimahi, we are required to learn to appreciate differences. We are fellow Indonesian people also differ from each other. What if the "R" from label "RSBI" our school be eliminated? International Standard School. International means the whole world, not just Indonesia. Do we ready to appreciate the differences more obvious?
Black skinned-person and white skinned-person are same, chink-eyes and large-eyes are same, curly hair and straight hair are alike. The differences make us unique. We are all different and not the same. But we can complete of each other with the appreciate of our differences.
So, here's the point. First, we need compactness. No matter which class and which grade. Second, be positive. Dare to step up and pour all the ideas we have. I know we all did a long process to become a student in this junior high school. Make the teacher as a friend. Third, there is no group among us. We are all one and we're all friends, no special or popular groups. Fourth, the minimization of seniority which made relations between juniors and seniors to be tenuous. We are compact, we are family. And the last is, how do we deal with the differences between each other. We are all same and we reconciled.
Little thing means so much bigger. Being as RSBI school isn’t just have an elite-building and amazing facilities, but the quality of our students as well. That's what called as outstanding RSBI!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I think it’s completely enough for me to this point. The wrong utterances are caused by limitation of my ability and the right one is merely from Allah SWT. So, I beg your pardon, finally I say.
Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh
anyway, thanks to Mr. Jasmansyah and Google translate! :)
Christ helped me to take some photo when i speeched. Thanks, Christ! :) (but i don't wanna post it because my face was soooo -__- something). I went to the toilet after speech, because i was so nervous :p and then the jury told us to wait about 30 minutes to take the result.
The jury told us about the winner of story telling contest first. Kak Caren was the first winner! Geez, her performance was AMAZING! :) she was so cute with her costume and expeditious. The title was 'The Arrogant Bear'. The second winner was Kak Rahma, and the third was Kak Eirene.
And bejejeng.... it's time to announce the speech winner. The first winner was Kak Novi! Kak Novi was soooo good at the perform! Her pronounce was perfectly perfect! She lived at England for years :) i like her! And the second winner is..... ME!
Yes, it's ME!
How happy i am! :)
and the third was Kak Nabila :) unfortunately i can't see her performance because i did went to the toilet at the same time :(
Sheilla and Citra as 7B's representation for modern dance didn't go to the final :( but swear, they were amazing dancer! :) i seriously can't stop screaming when they did danced at practice. Farhan got the winner for 'put a pencil to the bottle' contest. Cihuy, haha! :) at least there are two winners at 7B :) classmeeting were so fun! We can request a song or a little message to our friends by SMS.
The next day, OMG! art festival!
My class, it was so full in the field filled by bazzaar of each class. 7B sold pancake, braheca ice fruit, rainbow ice fruit, cupcake, and the others. We had so much customers! :)
There was so many perform by guest star, band, an some extraculicullar performance. The choir was perform too! We sang 'Yamko Rambe Yamko', 'Laskar Pelangi' medley, and 'Takkan Terganti'. Even though it rained, we still enjoy to dance!
OMG! :)
(left to right) Sheilla, Adelina, me, Shafira
(left to right) Sheilla, Adelina, me, Shafira, Citra, Septri
Sheilla, Adelina, Shafira, Gian (as the sightings), me, Citra, Septri, Rizki, Reksa, Rifky, Ikhsan
The school gates opened about 5pm, and i come home with tired. But, honestly, the festival was so fun! And the next day we had a rally to announce the rank of us. I got the 3rd rank in my class! Woooohooooo! :)
Happy holiday! :)