10:22 PMAnd when you're fifteen
Feeling like there's nothing to figure out
Pamer ceritanya.
i'm officially 15 now! :)
Nggak tau kenapa, umur 15 selalu jadi impian aku sejak SD. Bukan 17, tapi 15. Rasanya tuh kayak udah fix jadi remaja aja. Tons of wishes flied by friends&family. I even have no idea how to pay their prayer and respect for me, no lie. Life is just so GOOD. People is just so kind to me, really..
What would you think if you find your friends got into your room when you were sleeping and they were like screaming happy birthday with a big present? I just love suprises. And in that case, i would give my biggest thank to Alma, Rasyid, Resal, Hani, Kak Rafi who did it to me. You guys are soooo kind to me!
My friends and i were having breakfasting together yesterday at my house. It was such a quality time. Inget banget kemarin kita bertujuh jalan kaki dari Cibeber sampai Cangkorah dalam keadaan puasa buat nyari panti asuhan; yang jadi sasaran kita buat do charity. Kita ngandelin 6 bocah TK buat nunjukin dimana letak panti asuhan itu sampai.... kita malah kecantol di puskesmas. Salah kita juga sih coy, ngandelin anak bocah yang bahkan nggak bisa bedain panti asuhan sama puskesmas itu apa :') but that was okay, really. We still found happiness. Selalu senang berada di antara kalian yang udah jadi sahabat aku selama dua tahun ini di SMP. Biggest thank for our quality time, Hasna, Syifa, Chibi, Dikim, Iqbal, Daffa. You guys always made my day :) I will never forget that time when we did our prayer together, when we were eating a bucket of oreo ice cream together, when we were lighting those beautiful fireworks.. wish i still have a chance to repeat all those stuff together with you again, guys :)
Family. Terima kasih untuk pelukan hangat dan untaian doa di waktu sahur. It was the warmest one, sissy. Thank God i've been raised by a little family with love and warm on it. My parents, they probably not as rich or as success like my friends' have, but trust me, you were the one who loved me the most. Dad, you're the coolest, the multitalent father, the greatest person, the smartest father i've ever known. Mungkin Papa emang suka pakai kata-kata sulit kalo lagi ngasih advice, but i do open my dictionary to find out what does it mean lol. Sorry for all the things i shouldn't done to you. I often doesn't like your temperamental nature, but all the words you say to me.. i will always remember it. I know you have a good reasons for every anger. Mum, thanks for all your endless love. I love you, and you can never be replaced. Thanks for sharing bed when Dad isn't home. Thanks for escort me to the toilet every night when i'm scared. Thanks for your love-life advice, thanks for being my personal psychologyst. You are the strongest woman ever.. I wish i can be as strong as you are. Mbak Ajeng, my second sissy, you are my closest person. You are a shoulder to cry on. You are the best partner in crime. You know what, Mbak, I were always wishing to be like you. You are a role-model and never success to inspire me. Kamu orang calon sukses banget Mbak, if only i was you.. But thank God, You chose her to be my sister. Thanks for being my bestfriend and share your bed to me. And the last one would be you, Mbak Tiara. Thanks for being my oh-so-caring-sister. You're gonna be a great doctor, you know. I envy both of my sister. Can't wait to see my brother-in-law, Mbak :)
Thank God for a great family, for a homey house, for all the love you gave to me, my family and my friends. You know what.. i am feeling so LUCKY. I was surrounded by people who love me with all of their pure hearts.. I was surrounded by funny, loyal and good friends. I was surrounded by family who always loved me. I have a perfect life.. i find happiness on my life. Kebahagiaan bukanlah sesuatu yang diharapkan, tapi diciptakan. And i will create my happy ending.
There will be people who will see me as a good person, and there will be people who will see me as a bad person. People could like me for something, and people could hate me for something else as well.
I will change, becoming a much better person for those who like me, loving me unconditionally. (took those words by klaus rachman)
I will change to be a better person. I'm 15 and i should be mature enough to make good decision in my life. Guide me with your grace, God, because the decision i took made who i am today and tomorrow.
I wish i could be as strong as my Mum.
as smart as my Dad.
as mature as my second sissy.
as humble as my first sissy.
as loyal as my bestfriends.
as kind as everyone does to me.
Thank God for my incredible life, for your grace
Thank God, people is just so kind to me..
Thank God, life is just so good
Thank God, for my 15th birthday
I promise i will be a better person..
and taller.