Week 4: Top 5 Places I'd Like To Visit
7:43 PMHola! Udah lumayan lama juga ya nggak ngepost di blog? Hectic banget akhir akhir ini, sampe ngerasa butuh lebih dari 24 jam dalam sehari. That maybe sounds sok sibuk abis hoho tapi emang bener! I even consume redbull or caffein sometimes.. which is jenis konsumsi yang bukan 'aku' banget kecuali terpaksa, dan waktu luang tuh kerasa seberharga itu buat bisa dipake tidur.
Padahal sibuk main roller coaster tycoon yang setelah sekian lama diinstall lagi.
But here i am, nulis utang 52 week challenge. I guess i didn't play the challenge right ya? Hehe.. it supposed to be posted every week, bukan beberapa post dalam satu waktu. Ah gapapalah. Better late than never.
So. These are the top 5 places i'd KILL to visit.
1. Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
When i told this to my friend, all of them were like "What? Tanzania.. as in Africa?" HAHA yaiyalah dodol Tanzania mana lagi kalo bukan di benua Afrika! Weird, huh? Commonly people wants to go to Paris or London or the other 'hip' places but to me.. that would be South African's savanas i'd like to kill for. Secara selama ini cuma nonton kehidupan-kehidupan binatang di natgeo doang.. jadi pengen banget ke Afrika sana! Kebayang gak sih gimana rasanya safari beneran di tengah savana yang luas mampus trus ngeliat ribuan zebra nyebrang di depan mata, ato liat singa gelantungan di pohon, liat wildebeest asli, atau gazelle.. HUHU MAU MAK. Apalagi kalo sunset! HUHU seriously, people, that's way more exotic than Paris. Adem banget kayaknya kalo bisa glamping di sana. Away from the crowds. No signal. Just you and me. Yes, i'm looking at you, dear zebras (oh and the lions, the giraffes, the elephants, and the other animals). Long before Taylor Swift's Wildest Dream video released, i've imagined them already in my head. Ngeliat Taylor Swift pake the yellow stunning dress in my kind of dream situation & dream place, i was like speechless :')
Well, impian ini diperparah sama pengalaman liburan Putri Tanjung safari di Afrika bareng keluarga yang dia ceritain di Gogirl! plus ceritanya Trinity di novel The Naked Travelernya! Seri novel yang keberapa, aku lupa. Entah di Naked Traveler 2 atau 4. She mentioned about all the stuffs i had been imagine and it made me even crazier for wanting to visit Africa. Tunggu aku, ze(bro)! Tunggu aku, Tanzania! :')
2. Petra, Jordan
Pernah nonton Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (yang kedua)? Inget scene waktu mereka nemu Tomb of the Primes di balik dinding bangunan bersejarah yang supergede? Yep, that prehistoric archeological building is Petra, as in Jordan. Again, Trinity bilang waktu dia kesana, Petra itu warnanya dusty-pink/rosy, makanya disebut pink city. But as we can see, foto-foto yang aku dapet di google nggak terlalu ngerefleksiin warna pinknya. But, still.. everytime i see it, i always speak to myself "You have to be there, someday Cha! You n e e d to be there and witness the awesomeness."
5. Japan