Taman Lansia
1:25 PM
I rarely go to park though i always imagine the picture of myself walking through the Central Park, Manhattan since it's always been my dream.. or do the hanami under the pinkish sakura trees in Tokyo or Osaka. Duh amin banget gak sih? Hahaha. Tapi ironis juga.
Well, actually, i went to elementary school in front of the park, Taman Kartini. We played everyday in the park as the school's over. They used to have swing and 'enjot-enjotan' there but it's broken since we played it radically. Tau gak, ayunan yang ada dua bangkunya hadap-hadapan (yang seharusnya diayun pelan-pelan)? INI JADI KORA-KORA DUFAN WOY. Hahahaha gila emang. Also i remember that i used to visited a lot with Chika and singing (and curhat) together under our favorite bench. Also, our school was having a camp there (hahaha yes we literally camping in front of our school). Aaaah... i miss those things. But unfortunately it wasn't well-managed back then. The river was stink, as i remembered. But that's a long time ago. For years i don't visit Taman Kartini anymore since i finished elementary. Writing this post makes me want to check it out again & reminisce my memories :')
About 2 or 3 weeks ago i went to Lansia Park with (the whom else) Rasyid. We went mabal together actually hehehe but we ran out of places.. so after spending our morning at McD and Bubur Padjajaran, we finally made our decision to visit the Lansia Park.
Thanks to our city major Ridwan Kamil, the park was surprisingly good & well-managed! Aaah it was such a comfy place to take a rest or play. Seriously, the park was really beautiful. I even saw people set up a hammock between the trees and just laying in there.


So after strollin the park back and forth we decided to take a rest and ate some durian ice cream. Ah :')
Overall, it's been a wonderful time that i visited the park after all this time. I love green things. But i left there soon cause it was raining and i wanted to pee. I saw a small building with 'WC' written, but i didn't think it's still has it function because all i saw was people washing their clothes there haha... too bad.