s c a r e d
11:31 AMSelama kelas 12 ini, gue berusaha membuang jauh-jauh semua harapan dan keinginan gue masuk jalur undangan alias SNMPTN. My already graduated friend, Thalita, also ask Rasyid and I the same thing. Lulus jalur undangan cuma boleh diliat as a bonus, while SBMPTN is your main goal. Sayangnya pemikiran itu berangsur-angsur pudar begitu ngeliat hasil TO gue makin kesini semakin turun. The highest i ever got was 51%, yang dimana setelahnya malah makin regresif hasilnya. Hahaha. Ada sebagian dari diri gue yang sangat berharap kalo gue lolos jalur undangan dan PPKB. Seeing the fact i'm not prepared enough for SBMPTN, i'm scared right now for that battle. Seeing the fact that i'm going to college this year, i'm scared...
I'm scared of lots of things. I'm scared of growing up, i'm scared of choosing wrong decisions, i'm scared of what comes after this, i'm scared of rejection, i'm scared of disappointment, i'm scared of my future, i'm scared of stepping forward, i'm scared of readjustment, i'm scared of ignorance, i'm scared of life...
but, aren't we all?