Week 6: Ten Years From Now...
7:50 PMI just realized that i used to post 52 week blog challenge, which has been abandoned since long time ago. My blog, my rules. And technically i've never made any rules, so whatever.
Either i might be dead already or I'll be 28, which will be less than 3 months away from my 29th birthday. I might be healthy or ill. I might have a husband already or still trying to find the right one, being a hopeless romantic. I might be having children already, or pregnant, or still hate toddlers. If i already married and have babies, then the babies' name might be something among Aero, Aldebaran, Altair, Alathfar, Abraham, or it happened to be the name i've never think of when i was 18.
I might be running my own business or being a psychologist, or might be none of them, something that i've never think of when i was 18. I might still love to take pictures or gave up on them already. I might still listening to majestic casual or my music sense have changed 180 degree. I might still love Brendon Urie or probably dislike the old himself already.
I might be living somewhere far away from Bandung, something that i always wanted to do when i was 18, or might be glued forever here. I might be seeing my school friends or i might be turn out hating them. I might still be a cynical person or successfully drove my perspective about life optimistically.
On 28, i might be already traveled myself to Japan, living my teenage dream or still trying to save money to go there, being a corporate slave. I might be still using blogspot or finally brave enough to move to another hosting because it still sucks. I might still order earl grey or chai tea latte to starbucks or americano might will be my usual drink.
Ten years from now... i might be famous for something or i might be a loser. I might be loving the way i am and the way i live, or i might be trapped. I might discover my true calling or i might be wandering to find it. I might be still searching for something that missing in my life, or i might already found it, and be complete.
Ten years from now. Everything will change. At least i hope so.