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5:47 PM
Menurut gue, loving ourselves is such huge steps to do. Some steps even feel so hard. Dan harus gue akui, mine isn't always going forward. Kadang proses itu berjalan maju, stagnan, atau mundur. I've been sure in my whole life that i don't listen what people will say about me, tapi buktinya gue memutuskan untuk turning off comment di postan instagram gue hari ini karena insecure about my frizzy hair and chubby cheeks and big thighs and fatty tummy on the pic. I usually reply the hate comments with making up some jokes about it, but at some point it's just exhausting. Kalo gue truly loving myself as the way it is, gue udah 100% persen ngepost puluhan foto yang selama ini pengen gue post without minding my pores, my hair or my acnes. Udah bodo amat orang mau komen badan gue gimana tanpa harus gue turning off comment option. Udah bodo amat sebodo bodonya, setolol tololnya, segoblok gobloknya. Besides, apa orang yang mencintai dan menerima dirinya sendiri 100% bener-bener exist di dunia yang cruel kayak gini?