
8:45 AM

beberapa bulan lalu, gue berkesempatan buat road trip ke semarang, jogja dan solo via jalur darat lewat tol transjawa. bukan pertama kalinya memang, karena tiap mudik ke jawa pun gue selalu melewati jalur yang sama, selalu kebagian jadi supir pula.

bagi yang belum tahu, tol trans jawa itu cenderung sepi. i kinda love the dry, barren vibes of the landscape though. ada sensasi yang beda tiap kali gue nyetir di sana. i contemplate about a lot of things when i drive. i still remember perfectly how sweet disposition was being played on the radio, and somehow my blood and adrenaline rushed so quickly that i pushed the gas even more (don't worry i limit my speed).

t'was the best ride ever that it was pictured perfect in my head, clearly. i can see i'll go back in any time soon.

7:57 AM

i wish i could eradicate the fear of rejection that obstruct me to gain bigger things in life

i wish i could eradicate the fear of rejection that obstruct me to gain bigger things in life


things i'd like to teach to my kids

9:45 PM

someday, when i have kids.. i'd like to teach them one or two things about listening to other people.

first. people will always have opinion about us. sebagian besar dari opini-opini itu semua nggak harus dipikirin dan dijadikan alasan buat kita takut berekspresi. you feel like you wanna dance when you're happy? dance it out. you wanna color your hair blue? go for it. there'll always be people who like you, people who pretend that they like you, and people who just don't. we'll never be happy doing things when we're worrying the whole time thinking about other people's thoughts. eventually, we'll never be happy living our lives. their opinions don't matter, your happiness matter.

second. nggak perlu terlalu sering nanya tentang opini orang. apalagi sampai dijadiin validasi. terlalu banyak nanya pendapat orang perlahan bikin kita ngerasa nggak pernah pede dan berujung susah ngerasa yakin sama pilihan yang kita buat sendiri. don't depend your choice on anyone's opinion, you'll slowly lose yourself.

three. when we worry about other people's judgments too much, we'll become judgmental too. just let people be happy for what they're doing. let them be them and you just do you.