11:34 PMyou thought you knew a person so much until you realized; you knew nothing at all.
kata-kata itu nggak pernah relate sama gue sampai belakangan ini gue alami sendiri. ever since it happened, i often question myself every single day; do i really know who (a person) is? what makes them become who they are? what they have gone through?
apparently, years and years living so close with somebody doesn't mean you really know who they are. what they're made of. hidup tuh kok penuh kejutan ya? menimbang bagaimana pandangan gue terhadap seseorang bisa berubah seketika, seratus delapan puluh derajat, ketika dihadapkan fakta-fakta yang baru hadir di kehidupan gue.. gue nggak akan bisa melihat seseorang dengan cara yang sama lagi. some were the cold truths that hard to chew. they slap you right in the face. sometimes.. not only they changed the way you look at that person, they changed you too. life has been such a puzzle i keep trying to put pieces by pieces. turns out; every person is like that too.
p.s: you might not know who your closest ones really are. your family is not an exception.