i feel trapped.
So last weekend i had a short getaway trip to Anyer with my family (except Mba Yaya ofc lol because she's always too busy with her papers and co-ass life). However, it wasn't the best trip, but compared with lying on the couch all day, watching movies, with all those weekend kegabutan, i enjoyed my trip. By 'short getaway trip' i really mean s h o r t because we just spent 2 days and a night there. We arrived there around 10 and it was so hot... panas banget gaboong. And all of us were tired so we just laying in bed for hours and that evening, i decided to enjoy the pool and the beach, though i wasn't allowed to swim. Period sucks.
But the point is not about that i wasn't allowed to swim on my trip, it's about how i am finally going out of town.... :')
About the beach.. there was nothing special. Anyer beach didn't excite me at all. It wasn't private, because we could see the food traders around and some of them were so annoying for being pushy.
And there was a thing about the hotel that we stayed. ANGKER TERNYATA BO. Haha sialan!! We stayed in a great hotel, though it seemed old we have nothing to doubt of. So yep, when i done brushing my teeths, i place my toothbrush in a glass with the head upside. I took a shower that night and when i went back to the sink, my toothbrush position switched upside down. I thought i was misplacing it so i turn the head of the toothbrush up back. The next morning when i went to the bathroom for shower, i found my toothbrush position switched upside down again. Geez.
There were another. The minutes before i went to bed, i was trying to close the curtain of the balcony. It was kinda stuck so i gave up and sleep. But in the middle of midnight i woken up finding that the curtain was already closed perfectly. I was too sleepy to ask the others about it so i went back to sleep. And here is the creepiest part. The morning when my fam was enjoying water sports, i went back first to the hotel room to chillax. I heard knocks on the door but when i opened the door, nobody was there. Craaaapppp! I spontanously crazily ran out of the hotel room and went back to the beach; freaking out telling what happened to Mum.
And then i found out that the hotel we stayed was kinda haunted these past years... heard that there was happened a guest that suicide, jumping out from the 7th floor of the hotel. And guess what floor my hotel room was? 7th. Crap :'(
Here's a potato for you.

much luvvvvvvvvv!!!
Despite all of their sayings about how Bandung is always gonna be everybody's home, i may be the one who wants to runaway, who's just too sick of their hypocrites, their lies and their mask.
When i was like 9-10ish, i always imagined that i'm going to have a perfect teenager life. I'm going to have a (my type) boyfriend, i'm going to be a social-butterfly, i'm going to be the smartest in class, or i'm going to be a covergirl. Seriously.. haha. I DID told everyone that i want to be a Gadis Sampul when i was 10.
*watching nigella bites*