O's recipes to enjoy rain

10:51 AM

I wish i could live in Forks or Glasgow. Alasannya? Simple. Karena banyak hujan! They are even considered as the wettest place in their countries, dan gue sangat mencintai hujan. This drought bore me to death.. really. Pengen cepet-cepet musim hujan...

Hujan, menurut para klimatolog mungkin cuma sekedar fenomena alam. Menurut para puitis, dia inspirasi untuk syair-syair barunya. Menurut para melankolis, dia meresonansi kenangan. Menurut sebagian orang, dia itu kesialan, penghambat aktivitas. Menurut para petani, dia anugerah. Menurut para pencinta sinetron, dia penyamar air mata kesedihan. Kayaknya gue masuk ke tipe melankolis. Hujan itu, menurut gue, romantis. I feel bad for them who couldn't feel 'something' in rain. Kayak kata Bob Marley, 'some people feel the rain, others just get wet'. The thing about rain is... gue punya cara tersendiri buat menikmatinya.

Recipe #1

Hujan + sweater + jendela yang kebuka + bantal duduk + secangkir teh panas (i prefer earl grey karena wanginya enak) + good music + (INI YANG PALING PENTING) nikmatin hujannya, biarin pikiran kamu automatically berkontemplasi.

Good music di situ maksudnya musik yang tepat buat didengerin waktu hujan. And i do have the playlist of it hehehehehe. In case you want to try, i suggest you to hear:

1. Gardika Gigih - Sebuah Percakapan di Senja Hari
2. Gardika Gigih - Pada Tiap Senja
3. Layur - Dawn
4. Layur - Interlude
5. Gabriella Aplin - Salvation
6. Banda Neira - Hujan di Mimpi
7. Adhitia Sofyan - After the Rain
8. Lykke Li - Possibility
9. Ludvig Moon - Swim Dream
10. Coldplay - Us Against the World
11. Coldplay - Atlas
12. Gardika Gigih - Stars In Us
13. Layur - Suara Awan
14. Layur - Are You Awake?
15. The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build A Home
16. The Cinematic Orchestra - Arrival of the Birds + Transformation

PS: kalau nggak pas hujan pun, PLIS DENGERIN LAGU-LAGU DI ATAS, sambil buka rainymood. plis banget.... i want you to feel the greatness of music + rain. i want you to grace both rain and music. it's magical.

oh did i mention that i have 2 recipes?

Recipe #2

Rain + go somewhere whom anyone can't see you exist + let yourself get wet + scream it + laugh it + cry it + feel it.

Oh i really hope you can feel 'something' about rain and grace about it :)

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