Syifa: Hasna itu ih mama gimana?
adalah ketika mau naro minuman ke kulkas, tapi yang dimasukin malah hp, ga sadar.
akhirnya riweuh nyari hp kesana kesini. begoooo.
i do understand that blogspot wasn't made for microblogging like twitter... but because it's mine, i decided to not care.
Pengen ngakuin sesuatu yang mungkin sounds embarassing, yang tapi menurut feeling gue sih, kayaknya gue bakal legaaaaa banget kalo mau ngakuinnya.
Hi peeps! So i decided to put more positive vibes on my blog instead of whines, negative minds and 'ngutruk' posts. How? By sharing all the things that make me happy on the day! Biar pas dibaca lagi tuh bisa inget & bikin seneng lagi (even just by memorizing it). Biar para fans siapapun yang baca at least bisa ikut hepi hehe.
Sampe di mana tadi btw...
yap, ngegas motor. Aku ngelewatin para ciwi yang sumpeh-gatau-kenapa-bukan-geer-ini-mah-tapi-emang-bener ngeliatin aku wae. Eh tiba-tiba salah satu dari mereka ada yang nyaut,
"Teteh, ih, meni cantik."
"Teteh ih meni cantik."
"T e t e h i h m e n i c a n t i k."
Dipuji aja udah ngapung, apalagi dipuji sama strenjer. Yegak. So i went blushing like a boiled crab. Sembari mengucapkan terima kasih, tentunya. Trus mereka nyaut lagi
"Aku juga cantik ya Teh, kayak Teteh."
Bingung bales apa jadi kujawab "Amin, makasyiiih" dengan suara soimut yang gak direncanakan.
Trus mereka ketawa-ketiwi bisik-bisik.
Dalem hati langsung mikir itu sarcasm bukan ya.... HAHAHA malu kan udah geer!! Positive thinking aja akhirnya mah. Akhirnya ku goscoy meninggalkan para ciwi di belakang. Trus pas balik lagi ke rumah, aku ceritain ke Mamah, bahagia.
Mood langsung mendadak berubah.
Hepi? Hepi.
Jadi intinya,
yha itu.
Simple thing matters. Simple thing make us happy.
And in the end of this 'things that made me happy today', i would make some line (or point?) about all of these things i wrote.
How to make people happy?
#1 Compliment the small things. Like what i said, small thing matters. Hal-hal kecil mungkin malah ngebuat orang yang dikomentarin ngerasa spesial, such as; 'baru potong rambut ya? lucu deh', atau 'cantik banget hari ini', 'sepatu barunya keren banget', and the other things.. harus tulus juga pastinya. I believe small compliments can make someone's day.
The other things that made me happy today:
- Berhasil skipping 1000x
- Makanan kantin yang enak banget. Mungkin suatu saat pas udah jadi alumni, i would visit school a lot cuma buat pesen nasi goreng babeh plus ayam negro. VIVA LA FOODIES!
- Ga begitu panas
- Detective Conan ada di Wakuwaku Japan :')
newly braced teeth defines real effing pain.
The day ran out heavily & all i need right now is an effing aspirin...
I wish i could live in Forks or Glasgow. Alasannya? Simple. Karena banyak hujan! They are even considered as the wettest place in their countries, dan gue sangat mencintai hujan. This drought bore me to death.. really. Pengen cepet-cepet musim hujan...
Hujan, menurut para klimatolog mungkin cuma sekedar fenomena alam. Menurut para puitis, dia inspirasi untuk syair-syair barunya. Menurut para melankolis, dia meresonansi kenangan. Menurut sebagian orang, dia itu kesialan, penghambat aktivitas. Menurut para petani, dia anugerah. Menurut para pencinta sinetron, dia penyamar air mata kesedihan. Kayaknya gue masuk ke tipe melankolis. Hujan itu, menurut gue, romantis. I feel bad for them who couldn't feel 'something' in rain. Kayak kata Bob Marley, 'some people feel the rain, others just get wet'. The thing about rain is... gue punya cara tersendiri buat menikmatinya.
Recipe #1
Hujan + sweater + jendela yang kebuka + bantal duduk + secangkir teh panas (i prefer earl grey karena wanginya enak) + good music + (INI YANG PALING PENTING) nikmatin hujannya, biarin pikiran kamu automatically berkontemplasi.
Good music di situ maksudnya musik yang tepat buat didengerin waktu hujan. And i do have the playlist of it hehehehehe. In case you want to try, i suggest you to hear:
1. Gardika Gigih - Sebuah Percakapan di Senja Hari
2. Gardika Gigih - Pada Tiap Senja
3. Layur - Dawn
4. Layur - Interlude
5. Gabriella Aplin - Salvation
6. Banda Neira - Hujan di Mimpi
7. Adhitia Sofyan - After the Rain
8. Lykke Li - Possibility
9. Ludvig Moon - Swim Dream
10. Coldplay - Us Against the World
11. Coldplay - Atlas
12. Gardika Gigih - Stars In Us
13. Layur - Suara Awan
14. Layur - Are You Awake?
15. The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build A Home
16. The Cinematic Orchestra - Arrival of the Birds + Transformation
PS: kalau nggak pas hujan pun, PLIS DENGERIN LAGU-LAGU DI ATAS, sambil buka rainymood. plis banget.... i want you to feel the greatness of music + rain. i want you to grace both rain and music. it's magical.
oh did i mention that i have 2 recipes?
Recipe #2
Rain + go somewhere whom anyone can't see you exist + let yourself get wet + scream it + laugh it + cry it + feel it.
Oh i really hope you can feel 'something' about rain and grace about it :)
Aku: mah mah denger ini ada quote melankolis banget dari Gagar Asmara
Aku: Bibiii mau emih
Bibi: Iya neng.. bentar
Aku: Hah bibi kenapa!? Ko nangis?
Bibi: Iya neng barusan nonton pilem india Ya Allah sedih pisan ngga kuat bibi nontonnya
Aku: :')
Aku: Hah iya gitu?! Tunggu!!! *buka twitter* *update tweet 'ADA GEMPA!!!'*
bego emang.
*ngasih ongkos angkot*
mang angkot: neng, kurang gope. harusnya seribu gope
aku: oh yayaa nih *ngasih struk alfamart* *KABOOOR*
jahiliyah emang.
*mang baso lewat depan rumah*
aku: *teriak dari jendela atas* MAAAANGGG
mang mang baso: *liat kanan kiri depan belakang nyari sumber suara*
aku: GA BELIIIII *ngumpet*
jahiliyah emang.
A: and what's so wrong with living in a dream world?
M: well, one day you have to wake up
See the picture above?
I believe this place was magical.
I can feel my heart gets warm when i memorize about my life there.
I can feel my lips automatically smiled when i passed through there.
Because there's something that pulls me back to this place.
Not even a second i didn't wish to go back there.
It was much more than just a school nor building.
It's a home.
At home, i left a piece of my heart.
do what makes you happy & let people do what make them happy.
If you found a girl in a high school uniform on J.Co on monday / friday around 3pm-5pmish, sitting alone with bunches of comic books or novel or laptoping while having tea or donuts, that's probably me.
Pernah nggak sih ngalamin fase dimana everything seems run perfectly, but empty as well. Keknya semua orang juga pernah deh ya? Hidup gue (hari ini gue lagi pengen manggil diri gue 'gue') kayaknya udah nggak exciting lagi akhir-akhir ini. Semuanya berjalan konstan, ibarat mobil yang nggak berubah laju kecepatannya. Maka terdapat hukum Newton I dalam hidup gue sekarang dimana resultan gaya yang bekerja pada hidup = 0.
anjir.. sotoy abis gue mengkolerasikan realita hidup sama teori physics.
hahahahahaha enek.
Okay, jadi gue pikir i need to put something fresh and new in my life. Some people said i need to find 'someone' that could brighten my life up. Simpelnya.. pacar. Entahlah, gue nggak berpikir itu ide yang bagus, karena gue rasa selama ini punya pacar ataupun engga, hidup gue nggak berubah. Weirdly i even thought that i haven't had a first love yet tho. So, having a relationship with someone ain't guaranteed any changes in my life. Lagipula lagi enjoy begini.
Some people said i need to do everything in my life in a different way. Such as, if you usually brush your teeth with your right hand, change it with your left hand. Take a different path on your way to school. Travel somewhere you have never been gone before. I DID all of those things but none of them significantly matters.
Some people said i need to get out of the routines. So i skipped school. But it didn't thrill me as well. My mum doesn't even care if i skip school.
Some people said i need to put a new activity in my life. So i enrolled an english course where i can meet new people with different ages & different perspectives. But it ended up by meeting an asshole who's underestimating my choice for picking social studies in school. It broke my whole mood.
Kudu gimana ya biar ga ngerasa 'kosong' begini..
Meet Nyle Dimarco, one of the America's Next Top Model S22 contestants whom I admirrrrrrre the most.
Szooooo happy that i got a day off (tho i don't go anywhere). Finally finally finally there's a day that i could skip Trout's class, my annoying teacher. I need to censor his name so i called him Trout. Yes, Trout the fish. I have been mad at him for weeks. I have NEVER mad at a teacher this bad. I kinda feel durhaka to be angry to a teacher but WHY WHY WHY does he have to be so cruel and sarcastic and annoying and sucks?!?!?! I would be so glad, SO GLAD to give him a trophy for 'Cruelest Teacher in the Entire Milky Way' award.
Okay calm down, Zaskia Osya.
You need to relax
you need to try
with negative vibes.
Who the fuck cares anyway it's my journal!
Some of you might wonder what happened between me and Trout.. or maybe not.
"Halah apaan kamu mah tiga tiganya juga belom! Pemales nggak pernah ngerjain tugas. Mau jadi apa kamu pemales. Liat nih nilainya kosong semua. Kamu nggak niat di pelajaran saya atau gimana."
Lah gua bingung kan perasaan tugas udah dikerjain semua. Then I rechecked my task book if there's any task that i hadn't finished yet. But i finished all of them, there even was his signatures on the papers. I thought maybe he had forgotten to input my score to his score list. So i brought my task book to him.
"Pak ini tugas saya udah selesai semua tiga-tiganya. Tanda tangan Bapak juga ada. Mungkin Bapak lup--"
i didn't even finish my sentence because he interrupted,
"Mungkin Bapak lupa masukin ke daftar nilai."
Sambil ngelengos. Judes. Jutek.
And the next week after it happened again.
Trout mentioned the name whose task still hadn't been completed, and there was my name.. again...
He even said "Ini kok tugasnya yang saya panggil belum masuk masuk ya dari minggu lalu, gimana sih kok nggak niat belajar kalian pemales semua. Apalagi ini nih yang masih kosong semua... Zaskia. Pemales." in front of the class. And in all of a sudden everyone's eyes pointed at you.
"Pak memang tugas saya yang mana lagi ya, yang belum? Udah saya kumpulin bukunya kemarin dan udah semua."
"Ya nggak tau ini buktinya masih kosong semua, pemales."
Ya gimana gua gak malu.
I went to his desk with my task book, trying to not spilt out all of the curses.
"Pak, ini tugas saya udah semua. Ini tugas yang pertama.. ini yang kedua, ini yang ketiga. Bahkan udah ditandatangan sama Bapak. Dari dua minggu lalu juga sudah. Saya gak pemales Pak. Bapak kayaknya lupa lagi buat masukin nilai saya ke daftar nilai."
Trout didn't even want to look at neither me nor my task book.
Gue nggak heran kalo dia nggak mau minta maaf. Mungkin dia malu ato gengsi.
He didn't even feel guilty about what he has done; for embarassing myself in front of the class. He didn't even admit his wrong.
Najong. Tai.
To be honest, in all of a sudden, i lose all my respect for you, Sir Trout. Gue bahkan udah nggak peduli kalo dia adalah orang yang seharusnya gue hormati. Entah karena posisi dia sebagai guru gue ataupun orang yang lebih tua dari gue. To me, your 'religious' label didn't represent your actions.
Thank God.
Thank you so much for giving me a precious opportunity; to not seeing his face this week. To not letting me spilting out the bad curses.
I'm grateful.
i thought i was becoming an asshole for feeling empty (and disgrace) despite my whole life runs perfectly.
i assumed it's sourced from the way i live. i live everyday in order, constantly. nothing excites me at all. life doesn't excite me these past months.
i wanted to be a child (again). i mean; when i was kid, i easily got excited by small things. it's horrible for being a grown up. everything seems so boring.
i live in routines. but i can't find a way to get out from my comfort zone.
i need to meet someone new. i need to go to new places and get lost and discover the true me.
i need to found myself.
efffffff i think i'm just being a real teenager who got lost and try to find themself.
life has been effed up these days.
i feel trapped.
So last weekend i had a short getaway trip to Anyer with my family (except Mba Yaya ofc lol because she's always too busy with her papers and co-ass life). However, it wasn't the best trip, but compared with lying on the couch all day, watching movies, with all those weekend kegabutan, i enjoyed my trip. By 'short getaway trip' i really mean s h o r t because we just spent 2 days and a night there. We arrived there around 10 and it was so hot... panas banget gaboong. And all of us were tired so we just laying in bed for hours and that evening, i decided to enjoy the pool and the beach, though i wasn't allowed to swim. Period sucks.
But the point is not about that i wasn't allowed to swim on my trip, it's about how i am finally going out of town.... :')
About the beach.. there was nothing special. Anyer beach didn't excite me at all. It wasn't private, because we could see the food traders around and some of them were so annoying for being pushy.
And there was a thing about the hotel that we stayed. ANGKER TERNYATA BO. Haha sialan!! We stayed in a great hotel, though it seemed old we have nothing to doubt of. So yep, when i done brushing my teeths, i place my toothbrush in a glass with the head upside. I took a shower that night and when i went back to the sink, my toothbrush position switched upside down. I thought i was misplacing it so i turn the head of the toothbrush up back. The next morning when i went to the bathroom for shower, i found my toothbrush position switched upside down again. Geez.
There were another. The minutes before i went to bed, i was trying to close the curtain of the balcony. It was kinda stuck so i gave up and sleep. But in the middle of midnight i woken up finding that the curtain was already closed perfectly. I was too sleepy to ask the others about it so i went back to sleep. And here is the creepiest part. The morning when my fam was enjoying water sports, i went back first to the hotel room to chillax. I heard knocks on the door but when i opened the door, nobody was there. Craaaapppp! I spontanously crazily ran out of the hotel room and went back to the beach; freaking out telling what happened to Mum.
And then i found out that the hotel we stayed was kinda haunted these past years... heard that there was happened a guest that suicide, jumping out from the 7th floor of the hotel. And guess what floor my hotel room was? 7th. Crap :'(
Here's a potato for you.

much luvvvvvvvvv!!!
Despite all of their sayings about how Bandung is always gonna be everybody's home, i may be the one who wants to runaway, who's just too sick of their hypocrites, their lies and their mask.
When i was like 9-10ish, i always imagined that i'm going to have a perfect teenager life. I'm going to have a (my type) boyfriend, i'm going to be a social-butterfly, i'm going to be the smartest in class, or i'm going to be a covergirl. Seriously.. haha. I DID told everyone that i want to be a Gadis Sampul when i was 10.
*watching nigella bites*
*lagi nonton tangled*
Kehidupan dan lika-likunya emang bakal selalu jadi rahasia Tuhan yang kadang nggak bisa dipahamin setiap orang, termasuk aku. Nggak puas dengan nyiptain setiap orang dengan sebegitu unik dan berbedanya, Tuhan ternyata masih ingin bikin manusia bingung dengan alur hidup yang nggak bisa ditebak.
In the morning when I wake
Shall I write it in a letter?
Shall I try to get it down?
Oh, you fill my head with pieces
Of a song I can't get out.
Can I be close to you?
Can I?
Can I take it to a morning
Where the fields are painted gold
And the trees are filled with memories
Of the feelings never told?
When the evening pulls the sun down,
And the day is almost through,
Oh, the whole world it is sleeping,
But my world is you.
can I be close to you?
if i was not myself
and my feet brace themselves
home is nothing but two arms who hold you tight.
Tete: cha :(
Tete: kata maneh kekurangan aing apa :(
Tete: sebutkan :(
Ocha: dih tumben
Ocha: biasanya juga 'udah ngaca udah perfect'
Tete: serius ini mah
Ocha: kekurangan maneh?
Tete: serius ih
Tete: selain itu
Ocha: kenapa dah
Ocha: maneh judes kadang kadang sama orang
Ocha: jutek
Ocha: sekalinya gasuka sama orang maneh gasuka banget sampe gamau ngasih celah buat mereka perbaikin kesalahan di hidup maneh
Tete: apa lagi cha
Tete: secepatnya
Tete: genting nih(
Ocha: buat apasi
Ocha: aing dapet apa
Tete: dapet upil dari aing
Ocha: dih ogah
Ocha: upilmu bahkan tak seindah bokerku
Tete: upil emas coy ini mah
Tete: terus apalagi
Ocha: judes
Ocha: jutek
Ocha: mean
Ocha: sarkastik
Ocha: judes 1000x
Tete: ada lagi ga :(
Ocha: dunno
Tete: ada masalah :(
Ocha: masalah apa te?
Tete: kan gini, tadi tuh pas mane cerita goblok tentang kecengan maneh kan di rumah aing lagi ada sodara, terus sodara aing teh pengen ngemil keripik gitu kan. terus sieta teh ngajak aing beli cemilan weh ya. nah udah gitu teh kan aing sama sieta teh ke indomaret buat beli cemilan, eh pas di kasir udah bayar si mba mba indomaretnya tuh lupa bukannya ngasih belanjaan aing malah ngelayanin customer selanjutnya. kan aing bingung salah aing sama kekurangan aing apa sampe mba mba indomaret lupa ga ngasih belanjaan aing :(
Ocha: anjeeeeeeeeedvghw'rfoheiuhernncbcbbeowsxkxncbjkd
ada banyak sekali jenis cinta di dunia ini
yang jika kita cinta, bukan lantas harus memiliki.
ada banyak sekali jenis suka, kasih, dan sayang di dunia ini
yang jika memang demikian, tidak harus dibawa pulang
egois sekali, kawan, jika tetap kaulakukan
lihatlah, tiada lagi sunset tanpa matahari
tiada lagi indah langit tanpa purnamajuga taman tanpa mawar merekah
ataupun temaram malam tanpa kunang-kunang
ada banyak sekali jenis cinta di dunia ini
yang jika sungguh cinta, kita akan membiarkannya
seperti apa adanya
hanya menyimpan perasaan itu dalam hati
selalu begitu, hingga akhir nanti.
- Tere Liye
mba ajeng: huooo enaknyaaa pas banget beres makan gue langsung boker!!
*papah di dapur lagi megangin sama liatin sendok lama banget*
'' atau '' :(
My mom said, "do have a crush who is smarter than you". Simply because he will motivates me to equalize my 'level' with him. I obviously don't want to look dumb when he's babbling about politics, global issues, hottest news, or opinions. Smart people will bring us to a higher level of life. They will widen our perspectives. Smart people makes us have to think smart, think critically, think differently, and think the way they think. They will change us become a smart one too.
My mom proved her words. I experienced a love with a smart guy next to my class back on junior high. He was so clever that he made me think "a smart guy deserve a smart girl too". So i studied hard to make myself worth to be with him. We had a relationship and it was literally one of the best time in my life. He made my whole life went a lot better. Both of us were so ambitious about our academic, so we competed together (although we weren't in the same class). We studied hard so we don't embarass ourselves when one of us made into the top 3 in class while one of us is not. We discussed ideas together. About our idealism, about our opinions about something, about anything. Our teacher always announced the top 3 rank of each class at the end of semester. The top 3 of each class had to stand up in front of the field and received a trophy with proud. I remember we made it together to be the top 3. And since our class was contiguous, we stood next to each other. We congratulated each other, we were proud of each other.
One day i was crying, down, and feeling sooo blue because i failed my storytelling. I only could make it top 10 in province. I texted him that i was disappointed about myself who wasn't good enough compared to the other winners. I felt that i was 'nothing' and I became mad. You know what was he said? He said he was proud of me. He told me not to cry because win or not, he was still gonna be proud of me anyway. The most important part was i worked my ass off to bring the best. And that's how you should be when you do anything in your life; bring the best. You should bring your best in every part of your life, not just in the competition. It became the lesson that i value in my life. I learned so much things from him, and i'm grateful to let him be the (sweet) part of my life :)
Well recently i had a crush with someone like him too hahahaha. I called him 'popok' so when somebody's eavesdropping me babbling about him, they would have no idea who he really is HEHEHEHE i'm sorry boy i don't even know why i should call you 'popok' :)))
We know each other, but we never officially talk. We just simply following each other's socmed account haha yeaaa so sad. I admire him a lot. I love the way he talks. He's one of the bad boys, but still, he never missed his shalat prayers. He's a pious of God. I love to see him go to mosque for dzuhur prayer. I love to see his hair wet by his wudhu. Gosh. I admitted that i'm not a very pious person. I missed my shalat prayer sometimes. And having a crush on him makes me embarrased. I'm not even worth enough to be with someone pious like popok... and i'm disappointed to be 'unworthy'.
But you know what.. perhaps, that would be the perks of having someone who is (adj)-er than you (in a poistive way obviously). You will strive to be on the same level as theirs. Wanting him makes me want to be more pious. Having crush on him makes me more spirited to do shalat prayers.. alhamdulillah. I hope being a pious would be a permanent mark on myself.
I guess the same thing happens on friendship and environments. If we're around the perfumers, we will also get the smell of perfume, right? Be around people with the positiveness, so you'll become one too. I guess Prophet Muhammad was right about it.
*di line*
Tetra: oh iya aing baru inget!!!
Tetra: ga penting sih
Tetra: ya udah ga jadi
Ocha: apa teee
Ocha: kepo
Tetra: kepala pundak lutut kaki lutut kaki
Ocha: baleg apaan
Tetra: tapi maneh jangan ngetawain aing ya
Tetra: aing ga bisa berenti baper...
Tetra: damn
Tetra: i really don't know how to stop this feeling
Ocha: iya gabakal ngetawain
Ocha: ...paling ngakak:)
Ocha: ama siapa?
Tetra: sama aja *emot frown*
Tetra: ada laah manusia
Ocha: who
Tetra: sebut saja namanya popok
Tetra: maneh tau kan aing sehampos apa.. kemarin-kemarin tuh aing pergi ke suatu tempat dengan kondisi sendirian dan hampos layaknya daun gugur jatuh dari pohonnya. sedih banget kan. iya. ditambah di tempat itu aing makan dan duduk sendirian. maneh tau kan makanan kalo dimakan lama-lama abis? terpaksa dong aing harus beli lagi karena aing masih laper. betapa malesnya di tempat itu kalo pesen makanan harus di bawah dan posisi aing ada di lantai atas. damn i was too mager to move, but my little (BTW LITTLE DARIMANA YAH TE) tummy won't stop singing. mau ga mau aing harus ke bawah. begonya begitu ke bawah aing ga tau mau makan apa. begitu aing sampe ke bawah, aing ngeliat cewe yang ya bisa dibilang eye-catching lah ya. oh neptune's bread, i couldn't stop staring at this girl. but i decided to stop staring at her karena takutnya dia ngira aing psikopat yang mencari santapan yang "mantap anjeng". betapa beruntungnya aing, dia nyapa dan nanya aing gini, "malam, mau pesen apa?". siapa yang ga seneng disapa seseorang yang sedari tadi menarik perhatian seorang manusia yang hamposnya ga ketulungan. begonya aing jawab dengan gagap ditambah gatau mau pesen apa. akhirnya dia ngasih saran makanan apa yang enak sambil senyum. whoa, this girl really made me baper a lot. tau ga tempat yang aing maksud apa? tau ga siapa cewe ini? Indomaret. dan cewe ini adalah mba-mba Indomaret yang selalu setia menyapa para pelanggan yang datang ke tempatnya mencari sesuap nasi. ga eye-catching sih sebenernya tapi aing sengaja bikin semua ini hiperbola.
Tetra: Hehe
Ocha: .......
Tetra: CHAAAA *emot cry superbanyak*
Ocha: opo beb *udah nyangka dia bakal curhatin mba indomaret*
Tetra: aing bete *emot cry*
Ocha: kenapa dah
Ocha: sini cerita ama mamah dedeh
Tetra: bete tadi aing ke indomaret terus si mba mba indomaretnya ngucapin "selamat datang di indomaret, selamat berbelanja" dengan tidak semangat a.k.a lemes kaya abis mencret puluhan kali
Tetra: gimana ga bete aing datang ke indomaret dengan tujuan ingin disapa manja tapi apadaya yang ku dapat hanya sapaan lemas
Tetra: *emot cry superbanyal*
Tetra: kok tai *emot cry*
Ocha: dia lemes gegara ngeliat kamu te
Ocha: ngeliat kamu dia jadi pengen boker
Ocha: mungkin mukamu mengingatkannya kepada boker
Ocha: atau mencret diare
Tetra: anj
Tetra: Cha aing sedih
Ocha: kunaps bre
Tetra: tadi aing ke Indomaret tapi engga disapa manja sama mba mba mas mas indomaret :(((
Tetra: ketika saya datang ke Indomaret dan tidak disapa manja oleh mba mba mas mas Indomaret, disitu saya merasa sedih dan hampos
Ocha: anje
Tetra: Cha
Ocha: whut
Tetra: sumpah bahagia pisan Ya Allah
Tetra: disapa manja sama mba-mba Indomaret
Tetra: finally i'm not hampos anymoreee
Tetra: ada yang nyapa astaga
Tetra: mba-mba indomaret aja perhatian, masa doi engga
Ocha: anje
*di grup line*
"Ga ada manusia yang sempurna ya, orang yang baik sama kita belum tentu ga bakal jahat, dan yang jahat belum tentu ga baik."
Kadang emang gue ngerasa 'nothing' banget sih dibanding temen-temen yang hidupnya superproduktif, yang udah tau where they belong to, yang udah yakin abis sama passion-nya, yang talented abis dan yang prestasinya udah segudang..
holy. shit. it's. gonna. be. fucking. epic.