
that yellow jacket: part one

10:52 PM

Remember when i promised i was going to post about UI soon (on my chatbox)? Well.. turned out it's not-so-soon, karena saat ini gue udah ngelewatin semester pertama dalam perkuliahan (ada ga sih ungkapan lain dari time flies?).

Sebelum gue ceritain tentang si universitas-jaket-kuning, kayaknya akan lebih afdol kalo gue mundur timelinenya ke masa sebelum prom. I see there's a gap here in my blog post ever since jaman jaman stres kelas 12. Bahkan gue gak sempat cerita tentang prom sama sekali. So here it is, a post (or two) to sum up what had been happened in the past six months.


Kalo ga salah, pendaftaran SNMPTN dan PPKB (jalur undangan khusus UI) sebenernya udah dimulai sejak awal semester dua. In case someone's wondering, jadi tahap pertama itu siswa satu sekolah dirank nilainya dari semester satu sampai lima. Karena ga semua siswa bisa mendaftar buat SNMPTN. Di sekolah gue cuma 50% siswa yang bisa daftar SNMPTN (tergantung akreditasi) dan PPKB (nah kalo ini seleksinya 50% bagi peminat PPKB). Alhamdulillah posisi gue bisa dibilang aman waktu itu di ranking IPS angkatan gue (FINALLY AFTER YEARS OF HELLA HARD WORKS, including countless of moment dimana gue menjadi orang yang ngerjain tugas kelompok sendiri bahkan sampe bolos dan nangis nangis ok gue lemah bgt). Btw setelah membaca postan ini, mungkin lo akan menganggap pilihan-pilihan jurusan gue super labil wkwkw but yes gue selabil itu. Di SNMPTN, pilihan 1-2-3 gue adalah SBM ITB - Akuntansi Unpad - Hukum Unpad. Sementara di PPKB, gue milih Psikologi. Honestly? Impian gue waktu itu tuh akun UI, tapi gue ga seberani itu untuk milih akun UI baik lewat SNMPTN dan PPKB. Dari sekolah gue hampir gaada yang pernah tembus ke UI jurusan apapun lewat snm (meanwhile peminat akun tuh paling banyak), dan kuota jurusan akun di PPKB cuma 7 (t u j u h  guys, se-Indonesia) kursi, sementara psiko waktu itu 40 kursi dan hukum 75 kursi. Intinya, kesempatan gue masuk UI lewat snmptn tuh kecil banget, hampir gaada malah. Yes i was playing safe, karena... gini deh, mau nilai gue bagus pun nggak ada yang bisa menjamin gue keterima, ya kan? Some people blame me for this, but they don't exactly know what it feels like to be on my shoe. The game i played brought me into my first choice. Gue lagi di les di inten waktu buka pengumuman SNMPTN. Jadiii kalo ga salah pengumuman tuh keluar jam 2. Nah waktu itu tuh kita masih kelas, sementara pas jam kelas hp kita semua dikumpulin dan kelasnya beres jam 3-an. Itu sepanjang les udah paling deg-degan paraaah sampe ga fokus denger materi. Gue sebelumnya udah commit bakal buka pengumumannya di rumah aja. Tapi di saat yang sama, Kana ngabarin di line kalo dia lolos di SBM ITB dan nanyain gue lolos atau engga. Lalu komitmen gue runtuh deh hehehe ABISNYA GREGETAN GA SIH??? Akhirnya gue buka juga pengumuman meski berkali-kali fail (situsnya overload). Gue dan temen-temen buka pengumumannya bareng-bareng. Waktu gue buka dan liat ada kotak warna ijo, gue langsung teriak seneng dan dipelukkkk sama Hani Cindy dan lain lain, trus ditelfon sama Pa ID (wali kelas inten) yang nyelametin gue lulus, trus ngabarin keluarga gue kalo gue lulus. I was happy & relief at the same time karena udah 'aman' dapet kuliah di SBM ITB, tapi ga bisa dipungkiri, hati gue masih nyangkut UI, karena itu impian gue dari kecil. Apalagi begitu pengumuman PPKB keluar dan gue ga lolos, gue memutuskan untuk tetap ikut intensif dan ikut simak di bulan depannya.

/// PROM ///

Here's the thing. I used to think that prom was going to be the best moment out of my high school life. Truth is, it was not. It was just a moment. Gue ke prom barang sahabat-sahabat gue di SMA, meskipun di antaranya ada beberapa yang pergi bareng pasangannya. What happened was... i guess we were too busy minding how do we look and how others look, too busy to immortalize moments and upload it on our social media, too busy to take a good pic, and all that. I wasn't even jamming nor mumbling when Teza Sumendra sang. Yaa.. sesimple karena his songs are not my cup of tea. And my legs was fucking hurt because of that black killer high heels. Don't get it wrong though, it was a great night, but compared to the others... gue lebih cherish the moments where my friends and i went to sleepover, surprising each others' birthdays, mabal, ngejajah kantin, dll. Kayak lebih quality time aja, gitu. Habis prom, kita nginep bareng buat terakhir kalinyaaa (at least sampai saat ini, itu yang terakhir). Setelah prom, kita semua sibuk dan fokus sama jalan masing-masing menuju masa depan (DUH APASI bahasa gue).

///AFTER PROM: intensif///

Setelah prom beres, gue melanjutkan perjuangan gue dengan intensif sbmptn-simak/ujian mandiri lainnya. Tiap hari dari senin-sabtu, dari jam 6 pagi sampe malem kita diskusi, masuk kelas, latihan soal, bahas soal, tambahan, dan latihan TPA. Kayak gitu aja terus diulang selama sebulan sampe ujian mandiri. Jenuh? Nope gue justru sangat bersemangat karena di saat yang sama ada orang yang ngebuat gue betah di inten HAHAHAHA sampah emang tp itu perks kan? Kadang gue sama temen-temen yang lain juga ke inten cabang lain buat ngejar guru yang enak, ato bahas soal sambil makan di luar. Bedanya adalah ketika temen-temen gue lagi tes SBMPTN, gue lagi daftar ulang nyerahin berkas ke calon tempat kuliah gue saat itu. Besok-besoknya yaa intensif lagi sampe SIMAK (di sini udah mulai kepisah pisah sih sama temen-temen, karena ada yang sibuk sama persiapan utul UGM, IPB, swasta, kedinasan, dll). Tapi pernah bolos sehari deng karena ikut gathering sbm! Hehe. Gue terus belajar (mostly dengerin rekaman sejarah Bu HN lol) dan latihan soal SIMAK. Nah terus... tiba hari ujian SIMAK. Gue kebagian ujian di SMAN 7 Bandung. Gue dateng sekitar sejam lebih awal dan karena kakak gue gabisa ikut nunggu, gue nunggu sendiri sambil makan di warteg sebelah ha ha BTW WARTEGNYA ENAK & MURE... i know gapenting si tapi yaudahlah. Skip skip skip... ujian lah gue. Waktu ngerjain soal, gue bener-bener setenang itu, ga degdegan sama sekali. Rumor tentang soal simak lebih susah daripada sbmptn itu gue gabisa bandingin guys, karena gue gaikut sbmptn. Tapi soal simak emang susah, soal-soalnya emang sedetil itu. Gue bener-bener ngejawab apa yang gue bisa, tapi sekiranya ada yang 50:50 antara jawab atau engga, i decided to keep answer. I got nothing to lose, afterall. Gue agak lega sejujurnya karena soal yang bisa gue jawab kehitung banyak, lebih banyak dari target gue bahkan.

Kira-kira sebulan setelahnya, pengumuman SBMPTN keluar, disusul dengan pengumuman ujian mandiri lainnya. Gue turut bahagia ngeliat temen-temen gue lolos di pilihan yang mereka pengen. Di saat yang sama, ada temen-temen gue yang masih struggle karena belom dapet kuliah. Gue sendiri masih nunggu pengumuman SIMAK. Pas hari H pengumuman, gue udah bilang ke mama biar ga kecewa kalo gue ga dapet. Begitu gue buka website pengumuman...

"Mah mah ini kayaknya keterima deh..."
"Ah bohong (ini 50:50 antara seneng dan ga percaya"
"Hah masa sih bentar bentar (((baca ulang))) TAPI INI BENERAN KETERIMA nih yaampun ada tulisannya 'Selamat Anda diterima sebagai calon mahasiswa baru Universitas Indonesia'"
"Ah yang bener Sya?"

trus kita berdua pelukan, nangis bahagia. *insert emotional gif here*

Alhamdulillah, perjuangan gue dibayar dengan lolos ke fakultas hukum. Meskipun pilihan dua, still, it seemed so unreal that i got into UI. Karena dari dulu, jujur gue selalu ngerasa UI tuh out of my league. Secara gue bercermin dari kakak-kakak gue dan ngeliat gimana perjuangan susahnya dapet kuliah. Apalagi ini UI.

Kebanyakan orang menyimpulkan tindakan gue selfish, egois, self-oriented, dan ga mikirin adik kelas gue tentang nolak snmptn. Ada yang ngechat gue, confront gue langsung tentang keputusan gue ambil UI, bahkan beberapa orang ada yang seniat itu untuk bikin fake account dan send hate message di instagram. Gue nggak membenarkan apa yang gue lakukan, tapi seandainya lo berada di posisi gue, would you sacrifice your future for someone else's? (dalam konteks ini, ya adik kelas). Especially the future you had been worked so hard for. I bet not. Cold truth is, it's never been an easy process for me, too. Dari awal proses snmptn-ppkb-bahkan sampe gue keterima UI pun, gue terus berdebat sama keluarga gue. Mulai dari nentuin pilihan jurusan SNMPTN, peminatan bisnis yang gue ambil (di sini gue sempet cekcok sama mama), nentuin pilihan dari dua pilihan yang sama bagusnya sampe riset ke sana sini (di sini gue sempet berantem sama kakak gue), finding out what's right for me, dealing with the teachers, and all that. It was never easy. Ga semulus yang beberapa orang pikirin.

Setelah melalui banyak pertimbangan (and countless of debate), gue akhirnya memutuskan melanjutkan studi gue di hukum ui! Never have i feel ungrateful for being a student here. I'm truly lucky, truly blessed. And as this post was posted, i'm already finishing my first term of semester dan lagi menikmati liburan semester di Bandung! Gue sangaaaat mencintai semester pertama gue di UI, bahagia banget, walaupun capek & struggle but i love it to bits.

Alhamdulillahirabbil aalamin.

late night thoughts

self-reminder; our reminder

10:10 PM

Nggak jarang kita diingatkan oleh tragedi ataupun orang lain untuk menyadari betapa berharganya diri kita sendiri. Quotes, iklan, masyarakat, lagu, media; selalu bilang pada kita untuk 'love yourself', 'you're worth it', 'you're beautiful', 'know your worth' dan kalimat sejenis lainnya. Tapi, kadang hal itu bikin kita lupa bahwa orang lain itu sama berharganya. Lupa juga bahwa kita ini sama, sederajat, dan setara. Lupa kalau mereka juga manusia yang punya perasaan, punya hati, punya self worth juga. Bukankah nggak sepatutnya kita mendegradasikan orang lain atas daerahnya, fisiknya, fashion sense-nya, gaya make-upnya, logat medoknya, ataupun isi dompetnya? Why do we even bother of ruining other people's self-worth expression, happiness, and choices? Well...i guess, perhaps that's the answer of question 'why won't we happy?'.


#playlist: classically magnificent

11:16 PM

1. Erik Satie - Première Gymnopédie
2. Chopin - Nocturne Op. 9: No. 2 in Flat-E Major
3.  Johan Strauss II - an der schönen blauen donau
4. Mark Mancina - August Rhapsody
5. Fritz Kreisler - Liebesleid
6. The Cinematic Orchestra - Arrival of the Birds
7. Astor Piazzolla - Libertango
8. Sergei Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No. 2
9. Gabriel Faure - Requiem Pie Jesu 
10. Edward Elgar - Cello Concerto in E Minor Op. 85
11. Olafur Arnalds - Near Light
12. Alexander Desplat - The Imitation Game
13. Hans Zimmer - No Time for Caution
14. Ludwig Goransson - Ocean Photographs


2017: genre

6:40 AM

selalu ada satu specific genre yang mendominasi playlist gue tiap tahunnya. it's just my thing and happened unintentionally

2015 was full of folk and indie acoustic. bon iver, adhitya sofyan, novo amor, aimee saras, dialog hujan, etc
2016 was full of chill out, rnb music. fkj, hounded, chelsea cutler, ta-ku, hermitude, mura masa, medasin, etc

2017 is.... indie rock! lately i've been into indie rock and oldies rock so much. i LOVEEEE day wave geez how could an entire album be so perfect. my favorite song is promise, wasting time, and home. selain day wave, gue suka banget sama fazerdaze, plastic plastic, vancouver sleep clinic, dan simcoe. also i've been into the beach boys, the monkees and rolling stones too! listening to em songs made me thinking WHY DIDN'T I LIVE IN 60s IN AMERICAAA. why am i stuck here instead.

ok this is such a random post to write in 6 am. but i miss blogging so much, i wanted to write something, bodo amat apapun itu pokonya pengen nulis aja di blog, that's why this random post exist. however, postan lo yang mana juga yang kaga random cha. hm bye.

it's just a quick write sebelum gue ke library buat ngerjain tugas, paper, dan belajar ilneg (why uts harus 9 bab why???) dan pih dan agama and others which i actually don't give a fudge.


late night thoughts


10:59 AM

Tom Rosenthal - For You To Be Here

Dream big, they say

the city is too big for a small dream
dream the unexpected, they say
the city is already bored with common dreams

head up, look up
those skyscrapers were made to remind us,
human beings,
naive human beings,
to do something big,
to climb the invisible path,
to conquer the top
the top you wanted to reach
and once you've conquered it,
the city will be yours.
everything could be yours.



8:34 AM

i used to think that
is going to be the best night for all of us
turned out it was just a night
of goodbye(s)
we tasted the best already,
though not any of us realize.


it's always hard to write again after a long time

8:34 PM

Hi, peeps.

I know, it's been a long time.

There are a lot to be told. Yet so little words and so little time. Guess i'm currently at the stage of figuring (new) life out again. Adjusting all the differences, all the gaps, and the new situations.

It's so different here, but so far, it's been enjoyable. It's been something wonderful. It's been a great, fresh life to start over.

I wanted to post about my journey to UI (even someone is requesting about it on my cbox, hehe!), but i'm afraid it can't be done in any time sooner. It's going to be a long post, i don't wanna miss any details, and i want it to be perfect.

The point is... i'll make some time to write, again. Despite all these great mess and chaos.



moi new toy: Canon M10

10:40 PM

Hai semuanya. Jadi, karena ada beberapa orang yang minta, hari ini gue akan membayar utang post gue tentang review Canon M10. Btw, gue nggak bakal mengatakan ini review. Ini lebih ke curhat tentang kegalauan gue beli kamera. Dan PLIS BANGET jangan hujat gue kalo ada salah istilah dalam fotografi karena jujur gue awam dan masih belajar. Jadi, sebelumnya, kamera yang gue pake adalah Nikon D3000 yang gue beli dari 2012. Gue sayaaang banget sama kamera ini, karena ini kamera gue yang pertama, sekaligus kamera yang sengaja gue beli supaya bisa masuk ekskul GAP di SMP. Kamera itu juga yang menemani gue selama nulis artikel foodies di web Gogirl! :’) Tapi ya tau sendiri lah pake kamera DSLR itu nggak se-convenience kalo pake mirrorless. Pertama, karena bobotnya emang berat. Kamera DSLR lebih berat karena di dalem bodinya ada cermin buat mantulin cahaya dari lensa ke viewfinder. Sementara mirrorless, as you know dari namanya, nggak ada cermin di bodinya. Sebagai pengganti cermin, mereka pakai sensor yang terus menerus ngirimin gambarnya ke LCD. Yup, makanya kebanyakan kamera mirrorless nggak punya viewfinder. Cuma bisa ngebidik fotonya lewat LCD. Dan setau gue kamera mirrorless yang punya viewfinder itu rata-rata lebih mahal. Kedua, hasil fotonya belom bisa dikirim langsung ke handphone pake wifi. Jadi prosesnya masih harus mindahin foto di memory card ke laptop dulu, baru dari laptop ke hp. Begichu. Ribet ga sih? Ribet. Karena enaknya kan kalo bisa langsung dikirim ke hp, biar bisa langsung update. Sounds milennials much? Hahahaha.

Nah, gue pun mulai survey kamera apa yang kira-kira bakal gue beli. Keinginan gue dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam sih Sony A7ii, tapi nggak mungkin, karena gue masih pengen dianggep anak. Lagian gue juga ngerasa sayang banget kalo kamera pro semahal itu dipake sama gue yang masih belajar. Kalo hasilnya sih, ya nggak usah ditanya, kamera ini bagus bangetttt huhuhu even fotografer favorit gue, Nicoline Patricia, juga pake ini buat kerja. Coba deh liat instagram atau editorialnya di Harper’s Bazaar. Mantap sekaliii. Ok, move on. Lalu gue tertarik sama Fujifilm XA-3 yang baru keluar. XA-3 ini upgrade-annya XA-2. Di saat yang sama, gue juga tertarik sama kamera temen gue, Anas, Canon M10. Jadi option gue tinggal di antara XA-3 atau M10.

So here it is.

Buat spesifikasi jelas Fujifilm XA-3 lo bisa liat disini dan untuk Canon M10 lo bisa liat disini.

Despite the hype, gue pernah pinjem dan ngutak-ngatik XA-3nya temen gue dan hasilnya emang bagus dan tajem. Layarnya bisa diflip 180 derajat biar gampang buat ngevlog atau foto selfie. Ada fitur filternya beauty/smooth gitu jugaa biar mulus. Tapi, setau gue baik XA-2 dan XA-3 dan M10 nggak ada jack 3,5mm buat mic external. Buat vlogging sih ini krusial ya, tapi karena gue nggak ngerasa butuh jadi bagi gue it’s okay. Jadi buat lo yang suka vlogging, mungkin nggak cocok. Autofocusnya cepet. Kamera ini gue liat di tokocamzone harganya sekitar 7.8 jutaan termasuk lensa kit 16-50mm.

Untuk M10 sendiri, hasil fotonya jernih, tapi kalo dibanding sama XA-3 masih kalah. Layarnya sama-sama bisa diflip 180 derajat, dan sama-sama touchscreen. Untuk filter beauty gitu setau gue nggak ada. Gue Cuma tau kita bisa nge-set tone warnanya (misal mau fotonya cenderung biru supaya gloomy, atau pink, kuning, dll). Cuma menurut gue, autofocus kamera ini emang agak sucks. Nggak secepet XA-3. Fitur-fiturnya juga nggak sevariat XA-3. Oh ya kalau dari segi berat sih kamera ini ringan dan kecil, convenient banget. Bahkan kamera ini bisa masuk sling bag kecil gue. Beratnya jauh sama XA-2 atau XA-3. Buat harga, M10 emang jauh lebih murah, sekitar 5,2 jutaan dengan lensa kit 15-45mm.

Pertimbangan gue selanjutnya adalah lensa. Dari kamera DSLR yang gue punya, gue ngerasa pake kamera apapun (dengan spesifikasi yang nggak jauh beda. I mean, jangan bandingin Canon M10 sama Sony A7 ya) hasilnya nggak akan jauh beda kalo pake lensa yang sama. Beberapa temen gue suka nanya gimana sih supaya foto kita terang kalo lagi gelap? Jadi, kawan-kawan, di kamera ada bagian yang dinamain diafragma / aparture. Fungsi diafragma ini adalah buat nangkep cahaya yang masuk. Kalo kita liat ke kamera, kan ada tulisan ‘f’ yang diikutin dengan angka tuh. Nah, semakin kecil angka ‘f’-nya, berarti bukaan diafragmanya semakin besar, jadi cahaya yang mampu diambil semakin banyak. Coba deh set kamera ke mode manual, gambar di aparture ‘f/3.5’ pasti lebih terang daripada di ‘f/4.0’. Nah kemampuan nangkep cahaya ini tuh diaturnya sama lensa yang kita punya, bukan sama bodinya. Jadi, walaupun kamera kita canggih, tapi pakenya lensa kit yang kemampuan aparture paling kecilnya cuma sampe ‘f/3.5’, hasil fotonya nggak bakal bisa terang di keadaan gelap. Oh iya, semakin kecil angka aperture ini juga, rentang fokus gambarnya semakin sempit. Misalnya, dengan aperture 1.4 gambar yang dihasilin tuh fokus ke satu objek yang kita mau, sisanya blur alias bokeh. That’s why, punya lensa yang aparturenya kecil itu penting. Waktu gue pake Nikon D3000, gue beli lensa tambahannya, Nikkor 35mm f1.8 dan gue puas banget sama hasilnya. Ngambil foto pakai lensa ini hasilnya tetep terang di keadaan gelap, dan bokehnya oke. Lensa kitnya malah nggak kepake. Makanya, dalam beli kamera baru kemarin, gue pertimbangin lensa dari kedua option kamera tersebut.

Antara Canon atau Fuji, ada plus minusnya. Karena kamera mirrorless emang masih tergolong baru, Canon belom banyak ngeluarin varian lensa mirrorlessnya. Tapi jangan khawatir, ada alternatifnya kok. Kita bisa pakai lensa Canon buat DSLR buat mirrorless, asalkan beli adaptornya. Autofocusnya juga tetep bisa jalan. Harga lensa Canon pun menurut gue masih terjangkau. Sementara di fuji, varian lensanya udah banyak banget buat mirrorlessnya. Cuma, lensa fujinon emang (menurut gue) mahal-mahal. Buat perbandingan nih, ya. Lensa Canon 50mm f/1.4 itu 1.6 jutaan (dengan adaptor EF-S ke EF-M sekitar 1.5 juta, tapi ini sekali beli) sementara lensa Fujinon 50mm f/2.0 itu 6 jutaan.

Menurut gue, nggak ada jawaban untuk ‘kamera lebih bagus yang mana?’ karena semua ada plus minusnya, dan semua kembali lagi ke personal taste dan budget kita. Kebetulan waktu gue cek, di tokocamzone ada pilihan Canon M10 lens kit aja dan Canon M10 lens kit + lens 22mm f1.8. Dengan harga yang jauh beda kalo gue beli lensanya kepisah, gue ngerasa ini best deal banget dan akhirnya beli sekaligus yang plus lensa 22mm f1.8 dengan harga 6,5jutaan. Tapi karena gue beli perintilannya juga (tas kamera, anti gores LCD sama filter) total akhir yang gue bayar adalah sekitar 7.2 juta. So, in my case, 7.2 juta dengan bisa dapet Canon M10 plus lensa 22mm adalah pilihan yang lebih wise daripada beli fuji yang 7.8 juta lens kit only. Tapi gak gue pungkiri, kalo punya duit lebih gue bakal beli fuji :’) bye fuji mungkin kita belum berjodoh.

So, kesan gue selama 3 bulan make kamera ini... i love it! Buat gue, flawsnya cuma di autofocus yang kurang gesit. Hasil fotonya jernih dan oke banget. Jujur setelah beli kamera ini feeds instagram gue jadi agak bagus muahahaha. As a newbie yang masih belajar, gue juga ngerasa kamera ini udah nge-cover basic needs gue dan nggak ribet buat dioperasiin. Proses ngirim data ke hp juga cepet. Selanjutnya, gue berencana untuk beli adaptor dan lensa 50mm f/1.4. I wanna capture more better portraits, dan lagi 22mm yang gue beli bokehnya nanggung J  wish me luck gue berhasil menabung (dan bukannya foya foya kulineran).

Jadi, utang postan gue lunas kan ya? J Ciao!


route 66

3:42 PM

ask foreigner to define american dream
an all-american once in a lifetime road trip
from illinois, new mexico, to california
call it summer or a spring break
endless driving
wind through the windows, perhaps some cigs
and we would be listening to day wave or another indie folks
pancakes and milkshake on a truck stop
from chicken and waffle in austin
chilaquiles and etouffee in phoenix
to overpriced ice cream in santa monica
drive, drive, drive
neon lights, motels, drive-ins
route 66

bucket list

(realita) bucket list liburan

7:53 PM

Jadi ini seminggu terakhir gue bakal di rumah karenaaaa... yup gue mau pindahan dan mulai ngekos di Depok. Brand new, fresh (tidak secara harfiah karena Depok panas beb) start. Jadi, sekitar 1-2 bulan lalu gue bikin bucket list holiday di blog. Bucket list, ya, bucket list. Yang mana masih sebuah wacana, perencanaan, planning, ekspektasi. Dan tau sendiri lah, sekeren apapun listnya pada nyatanya pasti nggak pernah sempurna terlaksana hahaha......

1. Redecorate my room. NOT YET. Buat apa gue redecorate kamar yang nggak akan gue tempatin selama 4 tahun kedepan, ya gak? Ntar aja redecoratenya sekalian nata kosan.

2. Ke Kingkong buat beli banyak film. DONE. Gue superbahagiaaa laptop gue penuh dengan stok film mulai dari Grey's Anatomy lengkap sampe season 13, Riverdale (belom nonton, lame~), Carrie Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, sampe Beauty and the Geek (HAHAHA i know apa banget tp ini seru reality shownya hahaha i love seeing the makeovers). Udah 4 hari ini gue ngebut nonton Pretty Little Liars dan kelar 3 season sekaligus. Sinting woy rame bangettt :( kemana aja sih gueee ga pernah tau ada film secomplicated ini. 13 Reasons Why tidak semisterius & secomplicated ini guys, jauh banget. Oh dan sepertinya gue akan ke King Kong lagi dalam waktu dekat buat beli Game of Thrones (again, lame banget sih gue). Gue juga penasaran banget sama Netflix series baru, To The Bone.

3. Cut my hair into short, right after prom. DONE. Gue potong benar-benar H+1 prom and all i can say is i felt free~~ meskipun rambut keriting ngembang gue makin keliatan kayak singa dan harus gue catok tiap mau keluar, at least ga segerah kalo rambut panjang.

4. Ngelukis lagi. UNDONE. Cat poster gue dibuang bibi dan gue terlalu males buat ngelukis pake cat minyak yang lama keringnya. Maybe i wasn't too passionate about this bucket list at all.

5. Beli bibit bunga matahari trus ditanem di rumah. DONE. Dan gagal hehehehe. Gonna try again next time.

6. Turning off my phone for the whole 3 days. IMPOSSIBLE. #milennials

7. Go to several coffee shops i've never been to, just to blog. DONE. I found this new gem at town called Blue Doors and i loved it. Apalagi mereka punya chai latte (which is something i hardly find in Bandung selain di Starbucks atau Two Hands Full), and theirs was a pretty decent one. Coffee shop atau cafe kesukaan gue buat me-time sambil ngeblog adalah Herb & Spice (dan harus di bagian sebelah rak bukunya), 107 Garage Room, Two Cents (meskipun kadang crowded banget, i love the Blue Bayou here), Kopi Selasar, dan Contrast.

8. Spend some days in my sister's place and explore Jakarta by myself. UNDONE. I don't know what to explore, though. Buat gue nggak ada tempat yang menarik selain mall di Jakarta. So i save my money for Yogyakarta or Malang. Gue berencana untuk solo traveling.

9. Do a video or photo project. DONE/UNDONE. All the photo project i did was: moto-motoin temen gue tiap main... hahahaha :(

10. Making all those list happen. IMPOSSIBLE.



6:13 PM

This post is written based on my personal contemplation and experience during high school. Sekaligus jadi pesan buat adik-adik gue (yang technically gue gak punya sih wakakakak) dan anak gue nanti (masih lama sih sebenernya hmm tapi yasudahlah).

Ketika banyak orang bilang masa SMA adalah masa terindah dalam hidup, bagi gue itu nggak berlaku. As you know (i wrote this several times on my previous posts), my high school life sucks. High school life loh ya bukan high school-nya karena SMA 2 is no less than perfect (berjayalah sepanjang masaaa~~). Oke let's start it. Semester satu sampai tiga merupakan masa yang beraaattt banget. Bisa dibilang, selama itulah gue berproses untuk adjust sama kehidupan SMA yang serba baru, serba beda, serba keras. Some of you might think aelah sekeras apa sih hidup anak SMA?. Tapi nyatanya emang berat dan keras banget, cui. Serius. Di masa SMA, gue 'terbentur' sana sini.

High school: it's all about friendship, love, ambition, passion, and values.

Di masa SMA, gue mulai mencari tau siapa orang yang sebenarnya kawan, lawan, atau kawan yang sebenarnya lawan. I found the truest, the meanest, the funniest, the richest, the uniquest, the toughest, the frenemy, the fake ones, and the real ones here. Things they said about how your friends might be not your bestfriends is true. I have several circles of friendship. But the real bestfriends i can count is actually no more than a dozen. Ada temen yang emang enak cuma buat diajak have fun, temen buat ngopi ngopi, temen buat belajar, temen buat berbagi hobi tapi ga enak buat jalan, temen yang enak buat jalan tapi ga bisa diajak sharing, dll. Get over it. You can never expect somebody to be somebody you wanted to be. Gak usah expect mereka buat selalu ada untuk kita. The realest one is always there even you didn't ask them to be. And when you find one, treasure it. The bravest thing i've ever done in high school was cutting some people off who brings negativity into my life. Some brought me misery, brought me into major insecurities, brought me into other things i didn't want to. And yep, that taught me that your friends aren't always going to be your friends.

I went through several loves and heartbreaks. Unrequited love, unhealthy love, and some idk-if-it's-love loves. It feels so good to fall in love. It once felt like everything. But in fact, it is NOT. It's just a thing. It's just a lil piece of thing that brings you both happiness and sadness. Gue ngerasain bagaimana ~cinta~ bisa membuat gue merasa jadi orang yang paling bahagia di dunia, tapi pernah juga membuat gue merasa nggak jauh beda sama sampah.  I wish i could say this to me several years ago; fall. but don't fall too hard. feel. but don't get too overwhelmed. don't expect. it comes when it less expected. don't take it seriously. NEVER take it seriously. most of the chance it's not going to be long lasted. dan yang paling penting: love. smartly. or you'll regret some things.

Oh and you know what? High school is a bunch of hard works. Everything is just too much. Not just the friendship and the love, but mostly it's about ourselves. It's a hard work to find the real us. Gue dan teman-teman di sekitar gue (menurut observasi gue sih kalo ini) merasakan hal yang sama: terombang-ambing. We tried to find balance in everything. We tried to find the gray side of all the blacks and whites. Kerja keras untuk bilang 'nggak' untuk hal yang kita nggak suka tapi orang-orang suka. Untuk bilang 'iya' pada sesuatu yang kita suka, despite of others judgement and hatred, atau bilang 'iya' karena nggak mau missing out aja.. Untuk ikut yang lain minum atau enggak. Untuk belajar di kelas sampe suntuk atau cabut bareng yang lain. To party or not to party. Untuk tau apa yang sebenarnya benar dan apa yang harusnya nggak dilakukan, because sometimes it feels right anyway. Untuk memilih sesuatu berdasarkan apa yang benar-benar kita mau, bukan apa kata opini orang. Untuk sesekali egois demi kepuasan diri. Untuk ngejalanin hidup berdasarkan values yang kita miliki, meski harus bertabrakan dengan values orang lain. And the other 'to or not to's. Intinya, kerja keras untuk berani menjadi diri sendiri. Those things were our real homeworks. Screw math! Berjuang untuk lulus matematika, ekonomi, fisika dll di SMA itu bullshit. Just do the homeworks and the tasks, ujung-ujungnya lo pasti lulus juga. Tapi untuk lulus di 'mencari jati diri'... sampai sekarang gue masih bisa liat beberapa teman-teman gue masih struggling dalam hal ini.

Satu setengah terakhir masa SMA gue, untungnya, berakhir dengan baik. Beyond expected malahan. I was really happy, and i finally got a chance to love high school. I ended it with my great friends, great experiences, great bazaar (yuhuuu Darani Maneka!!!), great prom, dan hasil belajar yang baik juga. I had great, memorable, sweet moments, indeed. And i'm blessed for it; both the ups and downs.


That's it. My version and my stories might be different with yours. Mungkin bagi lo masa SMA adalah waktu terbaik dalam hidup lo dan nggak setuju dengan statement gue di atas. Kalo iya, ya sukur lo nggak se-struggle gue. Again, gue bilang tulisan ini berdasarkan pengalaman dan pemikiran gue aja. Maybe high school are both best and worst part of our lives, no?

For you, soon-to-be-the-high schoolers... good luck! Enjoy it, as much as you can. Feel it. Survive it. And most importantly... live it :)

May the odds be ever in our favor!

High school pictures are soon going to be updated in this post! :p



9:51 PM

little thing does matter, they said. and i must say i agree. hal kecil kayak omongan body-shaming kadang bisa bikin confidence gue fall down to the bottom, yet little thing such as trying prom dress could make me happy and feel beautiful. though i hadn't took a shower yet, rambut belom dikeramas tiga hari, lengan gue yang gede, tangan belang, dan muka gue berminyak, i was happy. i chose to be happy that day.

hopefully this optimistic mind long last though! :)


week 7: my childhood memories

7:53 PM

There's one special thing about my childhood i will never forget: i happened to have the greatest bestfriend ever, Mbah Kakung.

I just got a chance to see 2 out of 4 of my grandparents. Mbah Sumi, nenek dari keluarga papa dan Mbah Kakung, kakek dari keluarga mama. Mbah Sumi and I weren't that close, we just met once or twice a year kalo lagi lebaran atau liburan aja. Tapi dengan Mbah Kakung, we happened to live under the same rooftop for several years sampai Mbah Kakung meninggal.

Mbah Kakung was a very sweet, kind, and thoughtful person. We were so close back then. I often slept on his bed. We used to watch soccer on tv together, though i didn't understand any single thing about soccer. Mbah Kakung shared his bed with me when i was overslept, he even comforted and soothed me down when i was scared in the middle of the night due to the cats' fight. I remembered i peed myself on the floor and Mbah Kakung was cover me up from my mom. Mbah Kakung loved me so much, and so did i. Apparently time flies and his health got worse, he barely walk meskipun udah pakai kruk. I remember that one time when it was just him & the-4th-grade-me. Mbah Kakung mau ke toilet dan kebetulan nggak ada orang dewasa yang bisa mapah Mbah Kakung buat jalan ke toilet. So there was I, helping him to walk, sambil ngeringis nahan bobotnya Mbah Kakung, nggak sanggup. I love him so much that i became so emotional watching him getting old and weaker. All i could think was i need to be strong for him since i was the only person he can depend on that day.

Mbah Kakung had a stroke and survived diabetics for 10 years. He went a lot of critical times when i was in the 5-6ish grade. Mbah Kakung lebih banyak istirahat dan punya 'temen' baru sendiri sejak itu, Suster Gita dan Bibi. Mbah Kakung even got trouble with talking that he can't speak properly. Mbah Kakung bahkan sempat lupa cara sholat. My heart hurt so much seeing him in pain.

Our last meeting wasn't going well. I was hurrily preparing stuffs for mudik on the second day of Idul Fitri that i forgot to say goodbye to Mbah Kakung when i was left. And the biggest mistake of mine was having thoughts that 'ya udah deh, nanti juga ketemu lagi sama Mbah'.

I never had that chance.

Mbah Kakung passed away the night right after we arrived in Slawi. When i heard of it, my heart explode. It burst. It was broken. It tore apart into pieces

My bestfriend just had gone forever, and i didn't have a chance to say goodbye for the last time.

As i'm writing this post, tears are streaming through my eyes. The pain and the regrets still exist, sampai sekarang.

... I miss him so much.

Mbah Kakung; he was the sweetest childhood memories of mine that i treasured. He is forever my bestfriend and i'm glad to have spaces for him in my heart.

so today


7:09 PM

/// M A Y ///

May might be my favorite month in the past 5 months since 2017 started. May is full of surprises, graces and butterflies. The fact that i officially graduated from high school in May makes me happy. Apalagi gue udah berada di posisi yang safe karena udah dapet kuliah. Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin. God is always good. I just graduated two days agooo, peeps!!! FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY BYE HIGH SCHOOL. I used to hate you but i'm relief that our relationship ended with nice ending and good memories ;-p

Rutinitas gue di bulan ini adalah belajar di inten setiap hari, dari pagi sampe sore. I happened to meet the same people everyday. Semangat SBMPTN ya temen-temen :) anyway, i'm so happy that i got a chance to met this one guy i admire here. We're more like acquaintance, though we chatted once and follow each other's social media. Our relatives know each other. I've always been look after him all this year since he was a cute, decent, charming, calm and truly smart guy. But nah i guess i'm gonna keep it as a casual feeling, eventhough he's one of the reason why'd i come to inten everyday. HAHA. ups.

I got a new cameraaa!!! Holy holy holy holy fudge finally after all this time begging with blood sweat and tears. I made a deal with my mum that if i got accepted to college through SNMPTN, she should give me a proper reward for my three years effort in school. Dan alhamdulillah kamera idaman udah di tangan. I'm loving it everyday and looking forward to have a great feeds :') #millennials.

Prom is coming in another couple of weeks. I got my dress already :) and i love it into bits since the dress is so much look alike with Hermione's dress on the Yule Ball... omgomgomg i even plan to do my hair just like her. Except of course, no Viktor Krum on my version.

First gathering fakultas. Yang ini agak agak lil bit frightening sih.. i'm always excited yet nervous tiap kali masuk lingkungan baru. Bismillah bismillah bismillah.

So much more is going to come in another two weeks left of May. Can't wait to see what's coming, though :)

late night thoughts

1 0 0 %

5:47 PM

Menurut gue, loving ourselves is such huge steps to do. Some steps even feel so hard. Dan harus gue akui, mine isn't always going forward. Kadang proses itu berjalan maju, stagnan, atau mundur. I've been sure in my whole life that i don't listen what people will say about me, tapi buktinya gue memutuskan untuk turning off comment di postan instagram gue hari ini karena insecure about my frizzy hair and chubby cheeks and big thighs and fatty tummy on the pic. I usually reply the hate comments with making up some jokes about it, but at some point it's just exhausting. Kalo gue truly loving myself as the way it is, gue udah 100% persen ngepost puluhan foto yang selama ini pengen gue post without minding my pores, my hair or my acnes. Udah bodo amat orang mau komen badan gue gimana tanpa harus gue turning off comment option. Udah bodo amat sebodo bodonya, setolol tololnya, segoblok gobloknya. Besides, apa orang yang mencintai dan menerima dirinya sendiri 100% bener-bener exist di dunia yang cruel kayak gini?

bucket list

holiday bucket list

8:43 PM

What to do in 3 months before college starts:

1) Redecorate my room. I think it's finally the right time to really own a room for myself setelah hampir 19 tahun selalu hijrah tidurnya (dan mostly di kamar mama). I'm thinking of buying stuffs like rugs, curtain, ornaments, or even make a lil photo studio in my room.

2) Ke Kingkong, beli banyak film dan namatin Grey's Anatomy yang mandek dari season 5 sampe season 13. Bahan ngabuburit di bulan puasa yeah :-)

3) Cut my hair into short, right after prom.

4) Ngelukis lagi. It's been a year since i touch my painting stuffs, even though i'm not really good at it.

5) Beli bibit bunga matahari trus ditanem di halaman rumah. Just wondering gimana rasanya berkebun since i have no experience at it, at all. Dan iya, harus banget bunga matahari.

6) Turning off my phone for 3 whole days. Seems impossible sih... but seriously, isn't it exhausting to fear of missing something out on the internet?

7) Go to several coffee shops i never been to, just to blog.

8) Spend some days in my sister's place and explore Jakarta by myself. Ga pernah sempet nyobain claypot popo di pasar santa sama nyobain kopinya tuku. Oh, dan makan gultik. Oke, kenapa sih yang ada di pikiran gue selalu makanan?

9) Do a video project or photo shoot project.

10) Making all these holiday bucket list happen.

source pic: pinterest

late night thoughts

what people said

8:14 PM

some said i was greed,
i was disgraceful,
i was never satisfied,
some said this and that and blah and blah

i'd rather say i'm fighting for a dream.
a future.
a dream i've been dreamed since i was a kid.
even since i used to scared of dreaming of it.

people will always say something, afterall, no matter what choices we made.


crowded place

8:12 PM

Have you ever discover a song that it's so beautiful, it's so you, that it speaks some kind of words and things you have no idea how to say? Cause i just have found one.

I wanna get you in my spaces I wanna take you different places I know the touring is romantic I know you see me as a frantic girl But I can give you what you want I know you like the way I held my temper When I gave you to the world, gave you to the world I can be your heart to let go 'Cause I've been scared of crowded places Come with me, I'll take you home 'Cause I've been scared of crowded places Come with me, I'll take you home

about me

Week 6: Ten Years From Now...

7:50 PM

I just realized that i used to post 52 week blog challenge, which has been abandoned since long time ago. My blog, my rules. And technically i've never made any rules, so whatever.


Either i might be dead already or I'll be 28, which will be less than 3 months away from my 29th birthday. I might be healthy or ill. I might have a husband already or still trying to find the right one, being a hopeless romantic. I might be having children already, or pregnant, or still hate toddlers. If i already married and have babies, then the babies' name might be something among Aero, Aldebaran, Altair, Alathfar, Abraham, or it happened to be the name i've never think of when i was 18.

I might be running my own business or being a psychologist, or might be none of them, something that i've never think of when i was 18. I might still love to take pictures or gave up on them already. I might still listening to majestic casual or my music sense have changed 180 degree. I might still love Brendon Urie or probably dislike the old himself already.

I might be living somewhere far away from Bandung, something that i always wanted to do when i was 18, or might be glued forever here. I might be seeing my school friends or i might be turn out hating them. I might still be a cynical person or successfully drove my perspective about life optimistically.

On 28, i might be already traveled myself to Japan, living my teenage dream or still trying to save money to go there, being a corporate slave. I might be still using blogspot or finally brave enough to move to another hosting because it still sucks. I might still order earl grey or chai tea latte to starbucks or americano might will be my usual drink.

Ten years from now... i might be famous for something or i might be a loser. I might be loving the way i am and the way i live, or i might be trapped. I might discover my true calling or i might be wandering to find it. I might be still searching for something that missing in my life, or i might already found it, and be complete.

Ten years from now. Everything will change. At least i hope so.


Things Make Me Happy Today

8:05 PM

I'm in a good mood. I even got butterflied when i started to write this. I don't know, it's just weird that i'm so happy without any particular reason. Well, life is always weird. But i guess i can list some of it out.

1. Oh Wonder is releasing their new songs (and album, soon!)

I'm beyond excited when i knew they're going to release new album this year. And yeah, their songs never failed. They're beautiful. Have you listened it? Anthony even sings by himself and i love his voice oh my God. Lifetimes and Ultralife is now on my playlist! Seriously though, i can't wait til their album come out.

 2. I just watched Pretty Woman and Notting Hills

I know, some people might said "kemana aja lo???" but better late than never, right? So... yeah. Both were great i even teared myself. Julia Robert was an amazing actreess, and a VERY lucky woman. I mean... ada ngga sih aktor lawan mainnya yang ngga ganteng!? I was obsessed with Richard Gere and Hugh Grant just right after watched the movies. I was like 'cmon God can i have a lover and a daddy like Richard Gere?' (((well um ok, that's weird))). He was that hot in the movies, tapi begitu googling dan tau dia sekarang udah kolot dan jadi kakek kakek... ya... ok. The point is he was hot, pada masanya. Dan karakternya di film itu pas banget. I love how Richard Gere was so gentle, charming, flirty, and intimidating at the same time. Mungkin kalo jaman sekarang sih imagenya kayak Christian Grey, kali ya? But i prefer Richard Gere though. I mean, look at him.

And i must said, Julia Robert's role was HILARIOUS. She was brilliant. This rodeo drive scene is my favorite

 I was actually screaming 'YEAH TAKE THAT BECAUSE KARMA IS A BITCH ISN'T IT' to the shop assistant. I was actually screaming.

And Notting Hill, the movie was great, too. I gotta say Hugh Grant is my version of McDreamy (as in Grey's Anatomy).

I cried when William disappeared from Anna's movie set, the moment he tried to approach her back. It broke my heart everytime i watch people got dumped in the movie. But seeing a man got broken hearted.. especially this cute, i just can't. Lol. Ah and this is my favorite scene.

3. I have a lot of new songs on my playlist

Simple things make me happy. And new, fresh songs on my playlist just did. I guess i need to refresh my playlist more often. I love Jojo's and Alessia Cara's song, I Can Only. My Jojo just did a comeback! Whoa. Please, please, please, guys, listen to them. And have i already said that i love Spotify? Seriously, though, thank you so much Daniel Ek, you helped me discover new, fresh songs. These are my current jams. Please, please, please, guys i need you to listen to it.

Wiktoria - Unthink You
Shallou - Motion Picture Soundtrack (Radiohead cover)
Lauv - Reforget, The Other
Cigarettes After Sex - Dreaming of You
Khalid - American Teen
Mura Masa - Love$ick
Mod Sun - Beautiful Problem
Anne Marie - Do It Right

4. Lots of movies to be on the list

This year is gonna be great. There are lots of thriller movies coming this year, and i can't wait for watching it all! I really think i NEED to watch 47 Meters Down, Wish Upon, It, Personal Shopper, Cage, and the others. Oh and i already planned to watch Fate and Furious 8 right after i've finished UN. How cool's that.


Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue

7:52 PM

and they wondered what lies beneath this

after all these years

right in this Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue

thousands miles away from home

fate brought them back together



unrequited love

7:00 PM

Sometimes you find yourself trying to let go of something
But it's like, you have been swimming on the ocean for a very very long time
And you feel like you belong there
You are one with the waves
The warmth of the water
And your body moves in sync with the ocean
And you swim around just trying to stay afloat
Then you get tired and you start to drown
And you swim back to land
When you get there you just feel so heavy because you lost touch with gravity for so long
And you collapse on the beach as you try to find balance again
And then your feet finds gravity
You stand up and you look at the horizon one last time
And you just know that no matter how beautiful the sea was
And how good it made you feel 
It was never yours to keep 
And somedays you'll miss it, you know
And you feel yourself moving with the waves and you dream of diving in
Then you realize your feet was meant for land
And not cut out for the ocean
Maybe you're meant to climb trees, or hike hills, or just run really fast
Letting go is not easy
There's nothing quite like swimming in the ocean
Just like how it's natural for your feet to find gravity
It's natural for you to let go
And find your true purpose in life again
The sea is the sea
And you are just you
I have to let go
But sometimes I find myself waking up at the beach again


Yuna; i've been recently listening to her songs lately. But this one--, this one is my favorite. Either the poem and the song were authentically just so brilliant or it's just me feeling so relate to them. It's Yuna's thing to read poem before she starts singing. I love her songs, her poems and her deep thoughts. What's not to love?



6:49 PM

Some people just don't deserve kids. Sounds mean? Yeah. Moreover, that comes from an 18 year old (not so) kid's mouth. What do i know about raising kids? None. What do i know about pregnancies, and some people's great effort for having kids? None. I may not have any single idea about all of it, but i certainly knew that the angkot driver i jumped in yesterday was an asshole for cussing his 7-ish kid with words like 'anjing', 'goblok', 'bangsat' angrily to him, leaving him terrified. It hurts my feeling that the kid looked so terrified seeing how his father was so tempered, how he was indirectly taught to cuss, how he had to be called with those words by his parents, how he wasn't even being heard, how her mother made it worse by spanking his butt, and how he was so unlucky to live in an unhealthy family condition like that. Some people just don't deserve kids.


s c a r e d

11:31 AM

So, littleature, i supposed to be in school right now. Seharusnya hari ini gue ikut pemantapan menjelang USBN and the other shitty exam prep stuffs. Did i mention that it's D-24 ujian effing nasional? Yes. 24 more days. Dan H-3 USBN. Shoot. I guess i'm just unlucky, karena tahun ini angkatan gue kebagian ngerasain USBN. Hari senin nanti gue akan ujian agama dan geografi, which i'm not well-prepared for. Bahkan sekadar atensi untuk mikirin nasib nilai di ijazah gue gimana aja nggak ada sama sekali. I'm too stressed out for this. Gue lagi ada di tahap bodo amat sama semua ujian sekolah yang nggak ada ujungnya ini. All i care is SBMPTN, yang dimana sayangnya gue juga sedang berada di tahap jenuh untuk Inten. For God's sake why is it have to be this critical time sih?

Selama kelas 12 ini, gue berusaha membuang jauh-jauh semua harapan dan keinginan gue masuk jalur undangan alias SNMPTN. My already graduated friend, Thalita, also ask Rasyid and I the same thing. Lulus jalur undangan cuma boleh diliat as a bonus, while SBMPTN is your main goal. Sayangnya pemikiran itu berangsur-angsur pudar begitu ngeliat hasil TO gue makin kesini semakin turun. The highest i ever got was 51%, yang dimana setelahnya malah makin regresif hasilnya. Hahaha. Ada sebagian dari diri gue yang sangat berharap kalo gue lolos jalur undangan dan PPKB. Seeing the fact i'm not prepared enough for SBMPTN, i'm scared right now for that battle. Seeing the fact that i'm going to college this year, i'm scared...

I'm scared of lots of things. I'm scared of growing up, i'm scared of choosing wrong decisions, i'm scared of what comes after this, i'm scared of rejection, i'm scared of disappointment, i'm scared of my future, i'm scared of stepping forward, i'm scared of readjustment, i'm scared of ignorance, i'm scared of life...

but, aren't we all?


They are. And they're not.

9:35 PM

People are full of contradictions.
They’re lonely. And then they’re not.
They’re missed.
And then they’re not."
-- tadayoedo shizumazu, saredo naki mo sezu (saezuru tori wa habatakanai) by Yoneda Kou.

source pic: instagram @t.1972