Remember when i promised i was going to post about UI soon (on my chatbox)? Well.. turned out it's not-so-soon, karena saat ini gue udah ngelewatin semester pertama dalam perkuliahan (ada ga sih ungkapan lain dari time flies?).
It is so hard to leave—until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.
Hai semuanya. Jadi, karena ada beberapa orang yang minta, hari ini gue akan membayar utang post gue tentang review Canon M10. Btw, gue nggak bakal mengatakan ini review. Ini lebih ke curhat tentang kegalauan gue beli kamera. Dan PLIS BANGET jangan hujat gue kalo ada salah istilah dalam fotografi karena jujur gue awam dan masih belajar. Jadi, sebelumnya, kamera yang gue pake adalah Nikon D3000 yang gue beli dari 2012. Gue sayaaang banget sama kamera ini, karena ini kamera gue yang pertama, sekaligus kamera yang sengaja gue beli supaya bisa masuk ekskul GAP di SMP. Kamera itu juga yang menemani gue selama nulis artikel foodies di web Gogirl! :’) Tapi ya tau sendiri lah pake kamera DSLR itu nggak se-convenience kalo pake mirrorless. Pertama, karena bobotnya emang berat. Kamera DSLR lebih berat karena di dalem bodinya ada cermin buat mantulin cahaya dari lensa ke viewfinder. Sementara mirrorless, as you know dari namanya, nggak ada cermin di bodinya. Sebagai pengganti cermin, mereka pakai sensor yang terus menerus ngirimin gambarnya ke LCD. Yup, makanya kebanyakan kamera mirrorless nggak punya viewfinder. Cuma bisa ngebidik fotonya lewat LCD. Dan setau gue kamera mirrorless yang punya viewfinder itu rata-rata lebih mahal. Kedua, hasil fotonya belom bisa dikirim langsung ke handphone pake wifi. Jadi prosesnya masih harus mindahin foto di memory card ke laptop dulu, baru dari laptop ke hp. Begichu. Ribet ga sih? Ribet. Karena enaknya kan kalo bisa langsung dikirim ke hp, biar bisa langsung update. Sounds milennials much? Hahahaha.
endless driving
from chicken and waffle in austin
chilaquiles and etouffee in phoenix
to overpriced ice cream in santa monica
drive, drive, drive
little thing does matter, they said. and i must say i agree. hal kecil kayak omongan body-shaming kadang bisa bikin confidence gue fall down to the bottom, yet little thing such as trying prom dress could make me happy and feel beautiful. though i hadn't took a shower yet, rambut belom dikeramas tiga hari, lengan gue yang gede, tangan belang, dan muka gue berminyak, i was happy. i chose to be happy that day.
hopefully this optimistic mind long last though! :)
May might be my favorite month in the past 5 months since 2017 started. May is full of surprises, graces and butterflies. The fact that i officially graduated from high school in May makes me happy. Apalagi gue udah berada di posisi yang safe karena udah dapet kuliah. Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin. God is always good. I just graduated two days agooo, peeps!!! FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY BYE HIGH SCHOOL. I used to hate you but i'm relief that our relationship ended with nice ending and good memories ;-p
Rutinitas gue di bulan ini adalah belajar di inten setiap hari, dari pagi sampe sore. I happened to meet the same people everyday. Semangat SBMPTN ya temen-temen :) anyway, i'm so happy that i got a chance to met this one guy i admire here. We're more like acquaintance, though we chatted once and follow each other's social media. Our relatives know each other. I've always been look after him all this year since he was a cute, decent, charming, calm and truly smart guy. But nah i guess i'm gonna keep it as a casual feeling, eventhough he's one of the reason why'd i come to inten everyday. HAHA. ups.
I got a new cameraaa!!! Holy holy holy holy fudge finally after all this time begging with blood sweat and tears. I made a deal with my mum that if i got accepted to college through SNMPTN, she should give me a proper reward for my three years effort in school. Dan alhamdulillah kamera idaman udah di tangan. I'm loving it everyday and looking forward to have a great feeds :') #millennials.
Prom is coming in another couple of weeks. I got my dress already :) and i love it into bits since the dress is so much look alike with Hermione's dress on the Yule Ball... omgomgomg i even plan to do my hair just like her. Except of course, no Viktor Krum on my version.
First gathering fakultas. Yang ini agak agak lil bit frightening sih.. i'm always excited yet nervous tiap kali masuk lingkungan baru. Bismillah bismillah bismillah.
So much more is going to come in another two weeks left of May. Can't wait to see what's coming, though :)
What to do in 3 months before college starts:
1) Redecorate my room. I think it's finally the right time to really own a room for myself setelah hampir 19 tahun selalu hijrah tidurnya (dan mostly di kamar mama). I'm thinking of buying stuffs like rugs, curtain, ornaments, or even make a lil photo studio in my room.
2) Ke Kingkong, beli banyak film dan namatin Grey's Anatomy yang mandek dari season 5 sampe season 13. Bahan ngabuburit di bulan puasa yeah :-)
3) Cut my hair into short, right after prom.
4) Ngelukis lagi. It's been a year since i touch my painting stuffs, even though i'm not really good at it.
5) Beli bibit bunga matahari trus ditanem di halaman rumah. Just wondering gimana rasanya berkebun since i have no experience at it, at all. Dan iya, harus banget bunga matahari.
6) Turning off my phone for 3 whole days. Seems impossible sih... but seriously, isn't it exhausting to fear of missing something out on the internet?
7) Go to several coffee shops i never been to, just to blog.
8) Spend some days in my sister's place and explore Jakarta by myself. Ga pernah sempet nyobain claypot popo di pasar santa sama nyobain kopinya tuku. Oh, dan makan gultik. Oke, kenapa sih yang ada di pikiran gue selalu makanan?
9) Do a video project or photo shoot project.
10) Making all these holiday bucket list happen.
source pic: pinterest
some said i was greed,
i was disgraceful,
i was never satisfied,
some said this and that and blah and blah
i'd rather say i'm fighting for a dream.
a future.
a dream i've been dreamed since i was a kid.
even since i used to scared of dreaming of it.
people will always say something, afterall, no matter what choices we made.
Have you ever discover a song that it's so beautiful, it's so you, that it speaks some kind of words and things you have no idea how to say? Cause i just have found one.
I wanna get you in my spaces I wanna take you different places I know the touring is romantic I know you see me as a frantic girl But I can give you what you want I know you like the way I held my temper When I gave you to the world, gave you to the world I can be your heart to let go 'Cause I've been scared of crowded places Come with me, I'll take you home 'Cause I've been scared of crowded places Come with me, I'll take you home
I just realized that i used to post 52 week blog challenge, which has been abandoned since long time ago. My blog, my rules. And technically i've never made any rules, so whatever.
Either i might be dead already or I'll be 28, which will be less than 3 months away from my 29th birthday. I might be healthy or ill. I might have a husband already or still trying to find the right one, being a hopeless romantic. I might be having children already, or pregnant, or still hate toddlers. If i already married and have babies, then the babies' name might be something among Aero, Aldebaran, Altair, Alathfar, Abraham, or it happened to be the name i've never think of when i was 18.
I might be running my own business or being a psychologist, or might be none of them, something that i've never think of when i was 18. I might still love to take pictures or gave up on them already. I might still listening to majestic casual or my music sense have changed 180 degree. I might still love Brendon Urie or probably dislike the old himself already.
I might be living somewhere far away from Bandung, something that i always wanted to do when i was 18, or might be glued forever here. I might be seeing my school friends or i might be turn out hating them. I might still be a cynical person or successfully drove my perspective about life optimistically.
On 28, i might be already traveled myself to Japan, living my teenage dream or still trying to save money to go there, being a corporate slave. I might be still using blogspot or finally brave enough to move to another hosting because it still sucks. I might still order earl grey or chai tea latte to starbucks or americano might will be my usual drink.
Ten years from now... i might be famous for something or i might be a loser. I might be loving the way i am and the way i live, or i might be trapped. I might discover my true calling or i might be wandering to find it. I might be still searching for something that missing in my life, or i might already found it, and be complete.
Ten years from now. Everything will change. At least i hope so.
I'm in a good mood. I even got butterflied when i started to write this. I don't know, it's just weird that i'm so happy without any particular reason. Well, life is always weird. But i guess i can list some of it out.
1. Oh Wonder is releasing their new songs (and album, soon!)
I'm beyond excited when i knew they're going to release new album this year. And yeah, their songs never failed. They're beautiful. Have you listened it? Anthony even sings by himself and i love his voice oh my God. Lifetimes and Ultralife is now on my playlist! Seriously though, i can't wait til their album come out.
2. I just watched Pretty Woman and Notting Hills
I know, some people might said "kemana aja lo???" but better late than never, right? So... yeah. Both were great i even teared myself. Julia Robert was an amazing actreess, and a VERY lucky woman. I mean... ada ngga sih aktor lawan mainnya yang ngga ganteng!? I was obsessed with Richard Gere and Hugh Grant just right after watched the movies. I was like 'cmon God can i have a lover and a daddy like Richard Gere?' (((well um ok, that's weird))). He was that hot in the movies, tapi begitu googling dan tau dia sekarang udah kolot dan jadi kakek kakek... ya... ok. The point is he was hot, pada masanya. Dan karakternya di film itu pas banget. I love how Richard Gere was so gentle, charming, flirty, and intimidating at the same time. Mungkin kalo jaman sekarang sih imagenya kayak Christian Grey, kali ya? But i prefer Richard Gere though. I mean, look at him.
And i must said, Julia Robert's role was HILARIOUS. She was brilliant. This rodeo drive scene is my favorite
I was actually screaming 'YEAH TAKE THAT BECAUSE KARMA IS A BITCH ISN'T IT' to the shop assistant. I was actually screaming.
And Notting Hill, the movie was great, too. I gotta say Hugh Grant is my version of McDreamy (as in Grey's Anatomy).
I cried when William disappeared from Anna's movie set, the moment he tried to approach her back. It broke my heart everytime i watch people got dumped in the movie. But seeing a man got broken hearted.. especially this cute, i just can't. Lol. Ah and this is my favorite scene.
3. I have a lot of new songs on my playlist
Simple things make me happy. And new, fresh songs on my playlist just did. I guess i need to refresh my playlist more often. I love Jojo's and Alessia Cara's song, I Can Only. My Jojo just did a comeback! Whoa. Please, please, please, guys, listen to them. And have i already said that i love Spotify? Seriously, though, thank you so much Daniel Ek, you helped me discover new, fresh songs. These are my current jams. Please, please, please, guys i need you to listen to it.
Wiktoria - Unthink You
Shallou - Motion Picture Soundtrack (Radiohead cover)
Lauv - Reforget, The Other
Cigarettes After Sex - Dreaming of You
Khalid - American Teen
Mura Masa - Love$ick
Mod Sun - Beautiful Problem
Anne Marie - Do It Right
4. Lots of movies to be on the list
This year is gonna be great. There are lots of thriller movies coming this year, and i can't wait for watching it all! I really think i NEED to watch 47 Meters Down, Wish Upon, It, Personal Shopper, Cage, and the others. Oh and i already planned to watch Fate and Furious 8 right after i've finished UN. How cool's that.
and they wondered what lies beneath this
after all these years
right in this Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue
thousands miles away from home
fate brought them back together
Sometimes you find yourself trying to let go of something
But it's like, you have been swimming on the ocean for a very very long time
And you feel like you belong there
You are one with the waves
The warmth of the water
And your body moves in sync with the ocean
And you swim around just trying to stay afloat
Then you get tired and you start to drown
And you swim back to land
When you get there you just feel so heavy because you lost touch with gravity for so long
And you collapse on the beach as you try to find balance again
And then your feet finds gravity
You stand up and you look at the horizon one last time
And you just know that no matter how beautiful the sea was
And how good it made you feel
It was never yours to keep
And somedays you'll miss it, you know
And you feel yourself moving with the waves and you dream of diving in
Then you realize your feet was meant for land
And not cut out for the ocean
Maybe you're meant to climb trees, or hike hills, or just run really fast
Letting go is not easy
There's nothing quite like swimming in the ocean
Just like how it's natural for your feet to find gravity
It's natural for you to let go
And find your true purpose in life again
The sea is the sea
And you are just you
I have to let go
But sometimes I find myself waking up at the beach again
Yuna; i've been recently listening to her songs lately. But this one--, this one is my favorite. Either the poem and the song were authentically just so brilliant or it's just me feeling so relate to them. It's Yuna's thing to read poem before she starts singing. I love her songs, her poems and her deep thoughts. What's not to love?
Some people just don't deserve kids. Sounds mean? Yeah. Moreover, that comes from an 18 year old (not so) kid's mouth. What do i know about raising kids? None. What do i know about pregnancies, and some people's great effort for having kids? None. I may not have any single idea about all of it, but i certainly knew that the angkot driver i jumped in yesterday was an asshole for cussing his 7-ish kid with words like 'anjing', 'goblok', 'bangsat' angrily to him, leaving him terrified. It hurts my feeling that the kid looked so terrified seeing how his father was so tempered, how he was indirectly taught to cuss, how he had to be called with those words by his parents, how he wasn't even being heard, how her mother made it worse by spanking his butt, and how he was so unlucky to live in an unhealthy family condition like that. Some people just don't deserve kids.
Selama kelas 12 ini, gue berusaha membuang jauh-jauh semua harapan dan keinginan gue masuk jalur undangan alias SNMPTN. My already graduated friend, Thalita, also ask Rasyid and I the same thing. Lulus jalur undangan cuma boleh diliat as a bonus, while SBMPTN is your main goal. Sayangnya pemikiran itu berangsur-angsur pudar begitu ngeliat hasil TO gue makin kesini semakin turun. The highest i ever got was 51%, yang dimana setelahnya malah makin regresif hasilnya. Hahaha. Ada sebagian dari diri gue yang sangat berharap kalo gue lolos jalur undangan dan PPKB. Seeing the fact i'm not prepared enough for SBMPTN, i'm scared right now for that battle. Seeing the fact that i'm going to college this year, i'm scared...
I'm scared of lots of things. I'm scared of growing up, i'm scared of choosing wrong decisions, i'm scared of what comes after this, i'm scared of rejection, i'm scared of disappointment, i'm scared of my future, i'm scared of stepping forward, i'm scared of readjustment, i'm scared of ignorance, i'm scared of life...
but, aren't we all?
People are full of contradictions.
They’re lonely. And then they’re not.
They’re missed.
And then they’re not."
-- tadayoedo shizumazu, saredo naki mo sezu (saezuru tori wa habatakanai) by Yoneda Kou.
source pic: instagram @t.1972