
7:35 PM

I appreciate people who changed. Like.. i don't give a damn about Miley Cyrus' changes like they-who-thought-that-she-got-into-negative.

According to me, change is one of the scariest thing of people's life. When someone's changing, they usually get the others' reactions. Most of people are afraid of change, bcs they expect bad response of the others.

And i think, people who change are the bravest. I mean, they know that maybe the others will react something bad about them, but they just keep moving. They didn't stop. It means they put themselves on priority, not what the others think. I believe people who change is people who love themselves more than what people love about them.

And i think, change is the only thing that makes us alive. Life's full of uncertainty things and it will never be on the same speed. It has unstabil tempo.

And i believed that there's always a reason behind change. So.. let's never say 'something on him/her has changed' behind them anymore. Ask them what makes them being different, there you'll understand. In that way you can imagine what is it like to be in their position, and being is believing. Then in the final you'll appreciate it, and.. you'll start to not giving any damn about it, because you'll be busy concerning of yourself, not the others.

For the one who was saying that i had change behind my back.



6:40 PM

Zaman ini zaman tipu-tipu

dimana penipu tak seperti dulu
di pinggir jalan pengemis berbaju babu
di gubuknya lantai beralaskan beludru
berhias kemewahan serta mobil terbaru

Zaman ini zaman reformasi
dimana kejujuran langka ditemui
kini penjahat turut berevolusi
berselimut jas mewah lengkap dengan dasi
di atas podium mengumbar janji
beretorika menarik ribuan hati
berkoar ingin perangi kolusi
namun di balik meja mencuri bati
acuhkan rakyat yang mengais sebutir nasi
seakan tak berdosa melakukan korupsi


Zaman ini zaman edan
dimana uang rakyat diselundupkan
oleh seonggok daging yang tak punya belas kasihan
kejujuran musnah termakan keserakahan
ketulusan punah tertelan keegoisan
seolah tak ada lagi harapan
bagi para rakyat menuntut keadilan
kini arti kemerdekaan dipertanyakan

copyrighted by Osya Denaya

so today

The Summarry

11:04 PM

Life has been so messy these days. And whoa this blog just has been neglected for a long long long time! Well, here i am again, coming with so many thoughts that i wanted to share with y'all (though probably none of you really care at all) here in my journal.

This is me now
as a sixteen
as a high school freshmen
as a girl who wears white shirt and grey skirt uniform (i hate the uniform. i always hate it.. i just don't like the grey. i think grey represents gloominess, and i won't event imagine myself-- it's me after school, with that dreary after-3 hours-fighting-with-math face, carry pickaback huge backpack that full with those thick social books of mine, messy hair as always, wearing that gloomy uniform color... shoot! can't the govern just change that color?).

but the worst part is i didn't get taller at all. Mum told me it was genetic. Yeah.. so funny to admit that i descend my dad's height genetic (read: short). IT'S JUST NOT EVEN FAIR. I mean, my mum and all of my sisters are tall and propotional.. and i'm now a lil bit scared about it--my heights. I eat a lot and if my heights now is final, i think i can get (look) fattier easily. And that would be sucks.

So many things has changed these months. A lil bit regret came when i was scrolling down my blog posts.. there were so many things happened these months and i should've write it all. This blog lost some parts of my journeys, and i think this post would be the summary of those lost chapters.

My 9th grader year just passed perfectly.. You know it just felt so quick to passed junior high. I swear my 3 years in junior high was the best time (so far) in my life. I had puberty, i had tons of moral lessons, i found bestfriends, i experienced things, i felt new feelings, and i had a lot of priceless memories. 7th grader, called it love lessons.. haha because that was the time of my life experiencing love, loving, and being loved. First love can never be forgotten yooo. 8th grader, i learnt to be loyal in relationship, but it just failed. But 8th grader wasn't only about it. There i learnt friendship, i learnt jealousy, i learnt how to have a big heart when i lose a competition. Oh yes, the story-telling competition taught me a lot. And i can't be thankful more to God that because of it, i could enroll my senior high. 9th grader was the best of all. I learnt how valuable the solidarity was there in my class. It was the most solid group of friends ever. We still gather around together till now, and what always makes me surprise is all of us feel the same feelings about our class. We always missed it, we always missed each other and hoping that time could be return back, so we can experienced our year together once more. Nobody was ever being alienated in class, and that's hard for every school problem to solve. We just accepted each other. There's always something i missed about KIB. About how all of us were awkward at the beginning, how Alvin always entertained us with his funny (well sometimes it's not) stand up comedy, about how Bu Ira just acted crazy just like us (by her jokes, her stories, her thoughts, her words, especially when she throw some water to us at the classroom), about how all of us were performing the poem musicalization at the MPR so entertainingly, about the aerobic and how all of us danced it every friday noon in the classroom, about the City of Ember drama, about how we copying teachers' acts, about how the Sundanese drama gone best, about how our music show gone very well, about the farewell party, about how we always broke at least a thing at Alam's property, about how our class just losing once on futsal for a year, about how we just act childishly throwing each other Rasyid's fail birthday cake, about how we can talk for hours at ramen booth, about how all the girls were surprised by the class banner that the boys made, and any part of it. It just goes perfectly and i treasured. Those are what makes me homesick about junior high. National exam gone very well. Two classmates just scored the top ten highest grade i  school, i can't be more proud of my class :)

Mine wasn't bad, but it was just not good enough to enroll Bandung senior high schools. They accepted only 10% freshmens from another town. Luckily i passed it by my story-telling certificate. Can't be more grateful about it. So here i am now a senior high student in SMA Negeri 2 Bandung, one of the most favorite schools in town. Bahahaha. I got into social studies. I know, people stereotyped social students are the ones who failed get into the science, the ones who lazy, and the others. But jsyk i didn't even care at all about their opinion. It's my choice and i have a purpose. I considered anything so i didn't regret anything at all. My new school amazed me at first. Who doesn't amazed, anyway? The area was about 2 hectares. It has 3 fields and a hall, a hotel-style lobby, a (most) comfortable mosque that has thick carpet so i can sleep on it lol, jogging track, and a huge rubber tree that everyone admired. I was kinda slip at first, for the umpteenth time i had to adapt a new social environment. It was a huge differences. I was the part of minority and believe me nothing is more suck. I mean, most of new freshmens has already be friends with the others cause they came from the same school before. The majority dominanced. How funny their expression founded me came from another time. They be like, "oh, you're from another town? Cimahi? Whoa so far haha". Even i just spend 20 minutes from my house to school haha. They thought it was so far and retarded just because it's another town. Three months i spent senior high half a heart. Beginning months senior high's studies just gone well, and i'm trying that the social would be as well as my scores lol. Hope could i make a lot of friends here.