
playlist: heading somewhere new

1:18 PM

the thing about travelling

i don't travel much. truth be told, most of the time, i can't afford it by myself. but my mind sure does (travel). and when it comes to imagining, i'd like to add some great musics. whether it is the crowded jaipur, hecticness of shibuya crossing in the morning, or the magnificent jökulsárlón, there's always great music to accompany the wild mind of mine.

and here's mine.

1. Meridian - ODESZA
2. Ganja - Ooyy
3. Places We Don't Know - Kasbo
4. Starlight - Jai Wolf
5. Higher Ground (feat. Naomi Wild) - ODESZA
6. Rocketeer - Far East Movement
7. Always - Panama
8. Truth - Shallou
9. Reverie (feat. King Deco) - Illenium
10. Daydrean (feat. Joba) - Medasin

late night thoughts


12:17 AM

as i'm growing older, i realized that being in a relationship isn't always about love and lust and happy things. i was so naive back then. took some time for me to understand that there are major differences between being in love and being in a relationship. being attached: it's about commitment, letting someone live into your boundaries and contribute in every decision you make in your life, to bear each other's vision, traits, lifestyle, perspective, and values. those things aren't always easy to be accepted. i was taught that the idea of being attached with someone is overrated; it's deliberating. people taught me how to avoid, refuse, or end a relationship; but nobody taught how to unlove and unfeel things.


little things

8:19 AM

list of things that make me feel alive:

- drowned by listening to great songs on headphone
- that silent moment where i feel peace and inspired kalo habis baca buku bagus. the last book i read: for one more day by mitch albom
- late night drive with good music. better be accompanied
- deep conversation
- compliments akan karya atau hasil kerja gue
- dapet foto bagus (REALLY SEBAHAGIA ITU)
- beli bunga
- lepas dari danusan
- tight hug