
random: instagram love-hate relationship

12:30 AM

no wonder  if TIME health & huffpost said instagram is the worst social media for people with mental health. we're forced to see perfect things; perfect skinny body, perfect white skin, perfect hair, #relationshipgoals, #nofilter filtered selfies, and other bunch of hashtags. instagram made us see only good, pretty, beautiful things that we try to dig in others' flaws, gak sadar kadang hal-hal kecil begitu yang bikin kita numbuhin kebencian di hati kita sendiri. we are, unconsciously, creating our own demons. comparing ourselves with those unrealistic standards. not letting ourselves to feel content. ignoring the fact that life itself is not full of pretty things. even for some people, life is already hell. 

late night thoughts


11:43 PM

Perhaps life itself is messy, complicated and exhausting. But, hey, it doesn't cost anything to imagine a beautiful one. Each of us have our own version of utopia. Mine would be:

be able to feel comfortable with my father.

late night thoughts

to enjoy it or to rush it?

10:47 PM

The fact that time flies so fast, both scares me and soothes me at the same time.

IT RUNS TOO FAST, JUST IN A BLINK OF AN EYE. Di twitter dan snapgram adik kelas gue isinya lagi pada heboh karena besok pengumuman SNMPTN. Shock banget karena udah pengumuman aja... berarti udah setahun sejak gue lepas dari SMA. It always seems like i just got here, kebingungan & figuring out my college life (masih figuring out sih sebenernya sampe sekarang). Secepet itu berlalu, tau-tau mungkin tanpa sadar gue ntar nulis di sini udah nyandang gelar sarjana ((HUHU semoga masih jadi calon sarjana hukum ya bukan sarjana danus!!))

BUT IT SOOTHES ME THOUGH. Artinya semua beban tugas, ujian dan kegiatan-kegiatan berikut kepanitian blackhole ini ujungnya bakal berakhir juga. Artinya bakal cepet libur. Cepet semester baru. Cepet nyelesain hal-hal yang belom diselesain.Cepet kuliah. Cepet lulus. Cepet kerja. Cepet settling down. Cepet nikah... mungkin?

Tapi, kenapa juga hidup harus cepet-cepet?

Time; what is it meant to be? To be enjoyed or to be rushed?


things she made him capable of

12:58 PM

It was a late night drive after the concert. Truth be told, he couldn't care less about the Tchaikovsky nor the Max Reger. He grew up listening to Muse and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Nonetheless, he didn't mind at all spending the whole night listening to not-so-his kind-of-music as long as she was there; and to know that she was very delighted.

"Thank you," she said, throwing a smile "i know it's not your cup of tea."

He blew his cigarettes out through the window and turned his head, "The music? Nope. But you are."

Her cheek faintly blushing. It's weird that they had been together for a while, yet she still find it's hard to control herself in front of him. The butterflies had never left, at all.

He stroked her hair gently while his other hand caught up with the steering wheel. "I have a theory about you."


"I believe you have been hiding a secret power."

She chuckled, "I wish i had one though, like the Sailormoon."

"Whoever Sailormoon is, i guess she or he doesn't have one like yours."

Still, his fingers were busy stroking her hair. Little did he know, it was her favorite gesture of him.

"Uh huh? What is it?"

"You make other people capable to do things. That's your secret power. I'd probably nonchalantly turn on my earphone during the concert, listening to Thirty Seconds to Mars or something; or fallen asleep; or worse, walked myself out-- if it were not because of you. I'd switch the radio station, if it were not because of you mumbling and enjoying those weird rap songs. I'd probably never pick Big Hero 6 over Interstellar on the cinema, if it were not because of you getting crazy over Baymax. I'd probably never have a willing to visit the museum we went last week, if it were not because of you; who happened to be a history junkie --and i wanted to make you happy.  Also.. I believe i wouldn't even dare to take the risk.. to share this very little space of my introverted self to anyone-- again, if it were not because of you.

You made me capable to do things. "

She smiled. 

"And i'm excited to see other things you'll make me capable of."

so today

#2 things to be happy: museum-strolling and the other things between

12:32 AM

One of the perks of having a blog is; kita bisa nge-rewind waktu dan keinget lagi sama hal-hal detail dari sebuah kejadian yang kita ceritain.

Nah jadi gue habis ngescroll postan lama gue dan bacain satu-satu dengan berujung ketawa-ketawa sendiri karena... fak gue alay banget!!! HAHAHAHA. Makin jauh gue ngescroll muka gue makin cringe bacanya :(

me after reading my old posts
(tapi udah gitu laptopnya diambil lagi)

Tadi gue nemuin post ini dan nyariin mana part 2-nya. Turns out gue emang nggak pernah ngelanjutin series postan ini. Daaan kebetulan karena gue ngerasa bahagia banget hari iniii, i intended to make another one! Yuhu.

Hari ini hari sabtu dan gue lagi nggak ada kegiatan apapun di FH. Mau balik ke bandung pun ga punya duit tanggung banget, soalnya besok ada acara juga. Jadiii siang tadi gue memutuskan buat pergi keluar daripada ngebusuk marathon film di kosan (sumpah gue kayanya gaada kerjaan lain banget selama ini karena tiap ada libur tuh dipakenya cuma buat males-malesan doang). Tadinya gue pengen ikut #PiknikinJakarta -nya @picnichild, tapi ternyata minggu ini mereka kayaknya nggak ngadain. Btw, #PiknikinJakarta adalah sebuah program piknik di daerah sekitar Jakarta (jalan kaki), dimana kita bisa bayar semau kita. Uang yang kita bayar itu nantinya bakal didonasiin untuk edukasi piknik anak kurang mampu. Beberapa waktu lalu mereka berhasil ngajak adik-adik pra sejahtera buat ke Kidzania! Destinasi #PiknikinJakarta pun menurut gue menarik. Kalo diliat di postannya, rutenya ada yang ke Kuntsring, ke Chinatown (Petak 9 bukan sih?), Menteng, Cikini, dll. Destinasinya ada yang ke museum, ke pasar baru, makan street food legendaris, dll. Honestly, these kind of places are so much more exciting to me daripada ke mall. Gue se-excited itu pengen cobain ikut #PiknikinJakarta, tapiii berhubung ternyata hari ini nggak ada, akhirnya gue mutusin buat pergi sendiri ke Kota Tua. Tujuan gue adalah ngunjungin Museum Sejarah Jakarta dan Museum Wayang.

Off we gooo!

Gue berangkat dari Stasiun UP dan turun di Stasiun Jakarta Kota. Di sepanjang perjalanan, gue duduk di seberang bapak-bapak yang lagi mangku anak perempuannya yang masih kecil. Dia manjaiiin banget anaknya (bukan manjain as in spoiling her), bisik-bisik ke anaknya (kayaknya sesuatu yang lucu gitu) sampe anaknya yang polos ketawa puas banget, trus anaknya doyan nyolekin muka bapaknya kalo dia ketiduran, trus ketawa lagi. Nggak tau kenapa gue seneng banget liatnyaa.. dan ingetnya pun bikin hati gue warm banget sampe sekarang. That girl is so lucky though, not everyone has any precious memories like that.

Second thing that made me happy today; ada sekumpulan bocah di gerbong gue yang polos dan excited banget liat monas dari jendela! I'm not good with kids, tapi gue seneng ngeliat kepolosan anak-anak dan reaksi-reaksi pricelessnya. Enak banget ya jadi anak kecil? Even things such as monas, airplane, or new toys could amaze them. It's funny to think how we, grown ups, (most of the times) are no longer getting amazed by things, but by labels. Ngeliat kepolosan mereka getting excited over monas tuh semacam mengingatkan gue bahwa: happiness used to be such an easy thing to find.

Gue sampe Stasiun Jakarta Kota kira-kira jam 1 siang dan PANASNYA GILA. Tapiii gue seneng banget karena di jalan menuju museum gue nemu abang-abang jualan es krim durian dan bandros... (HUHUHU kangen bandros banget sumpeh) so i stopped by dan ganyem dulu sebelum masuk museum!! Hehe. Beres ngemil, gue lanjut ke Museum Sejarah Jakarta. Terharu banget karena gak cuma murah tapi juga terawat banget dan bersih. Ruangan dan koleksinya banyak. Another thing that makes me happy; tadi di museum gue ngeliat kakek-nenek lagi nge-date dan mereka gemes bangettt... making jokes & laughing into each others dan terlihat sangat sangat menikmati momen.

The next stop was Museum Wayang. Menurut gue museum ini less attractive daripada Museum Sejarah Jakarta. Ada beberapa ruangan yang cahayanya kurang banget, trus sirkulasinya aneh gitu. Di sini gue paling suka liat wayang si kancil, miniatur Si Unyil dan boneka-boneka dari luar negeri (WKWKW SORI).

Keluar dari Museum Wayang gue gapunya tujuan lagi, udah capek dan haus juga. Tadinya mo langsung ngadem gitu di coffee shop deket situ, eh terussss gue ngelewatin sebuah tenda yang ternyata adalah pop-up free library! Tempatnya biasa aja sebenernya, cuma tenda biasa, ada kursi, dan ada rak buku di sudutnya. Bukunya nggak banyak, kebanyakan buku seputar sejarah Jakarta. Sejujurnya nggak ada yang spesial dari tempatnya; tapi gue senenggg banget tau ada orang yang berintensi buat bikin perpustakaan kecil gratis, tempat siapa aja bisa baca buku, di tempat kayak gini. Di situ ada kakek-kakek sama abang-abang lagi baca buku juga. Gue nyempetin dulu baca satu buku; Antologi Puisi Dani.

Tempat terakhir yang gue singgahi adalah Warung Umak. Kenapa gue kesini? Karena ada tulisannya di luar kalo dia jual pempek, dan gue kebetulan banget udah lama gak makan pempek. Hehe. Jadiii gue mengakhiri perjalanan gue dengan makan pempek, ngopi, dan duduk duduk gabut kecapean di sini. Btw pas gue kesini, golden hournya cantik banget dan nembus ke sebagian dalem ruangan (yang jadi alesan kenapa gue duduk di pojok sebelah jendela situ).

And then i went home, happily :)

Things to be happy today? Banyak. Gue puas akan tindakan impulsif gue pergi ke Kota Tua sendiri, rewarding myself some me-time. Gue agak nggak paham kenapa banyak orang nganggep jalan-jalan sendiri tuh aneh. Menurut gue, kadang jalan-jalan sendiri bisa bikin kita berkontemplasi dan lebih ngenalin diri kita sendiri. Gue juga bisa lebih merhatiin hal-hal kecil yang mungkin sering luput ketika gue lagi bareng orang lain. Or prolly it just simply feeds my introverted soul.

Perhaps another city-strolling won't be that much longer! :)

Can a Man and a Woman Really Have a Platonic Relationship?

11:01 AM

by Christopher Lai via Huffington Post 

Let’s say that a man and a woman are friends. They have known each other for a while and nothing has ever happened between them. By “nothing,” they mean that they’ve never kissed.
The chemistry between them is palpable and they’ve been in situations where he could have made a move but he did not. And she recognizes this and respects him for it. She knows that his intentions are ostensibly pure.
She may or may not find him attractive, but it doesn’t matter. He’s a good guy and she likes talking to him. And even if he’s cute, she’s not interested in him like that. Or so she thinks. 
On the flip side, he thinks that she is sexy. He’d love to go out for drinks, take her back to his place, inch closer to her on the couch. But she’s made it clear that she’s not looking for a relationship or she’s already in a committed one. He’s a respectful guy and completely understands. He’s been placed in the friend zone but he’s not bitter about being there. In fact, he embraces the opportunity. He continues to message her because she’s a cool chick. 
And, honestly, when a hot girl messages you, it’s impossible to ignore her. Especially when she’s a nice person. 
Because of his sincerity, she’s comfortable enough to share her secrets with him. Stuff that she’s not willing to tell her significant other, perhaps because he is not quite as understanding. Or maybe, it’s bad stuff about her boyfriend. And you know what, it doesn’t matter how independent a woman is—when her boyfriend messes up, she needs someone to talk to. More specifically, she needs to talk to a friend, someone she can trust. 
Similarly, when his girlfriend is acting up, he will need an outlet. He’ll need someone to be there for him. And you know what’s remarkable... he’s willing to have an emotional conversation... knowing that things won’t get intimate. Over time, he became the Michael Jordan of the friend zone. He’s not going to make a move because he doesn’t want to jeopardize the friendship. It means too much to him. 
Typically, women tend to be drawn to guys with good personalities. Yeah, of course, looks play a part. But as she continues to laugh uncontrollably at his corny jokes, as she continues to turn to him for his advice, as she continues to feel secure in his presence, she will begin to let down her guard. 
On the other hand, men tend to be drawn to women who look good. He was first attracted to her because she had sex appeal but as he got to know her more and more—she became beautiful. Controlling his feelings will become that much more difficult. And when he is vulnerable, he’s no longer in control.
The truth is, they may never do anything physical in life. They may never cross the line. But a relationship can never be truly platonic if you have to set up boundaries. A relationship can never be truly platonic if you have to adjust your feelings. A relationship can never truly be platonic if you have to pretend that you are happy with the way things really are...when deep down—you want something more. 
And for some friends, they may eventually cross the line. Because, ultimately, we are human.
Disclaimer: If there is absolutely no physical attraction between a male and female, then, I would say, it is possible that they can truly share a platonic relationship. But once a man is attracted to a woman; or the woman is attracted to the man; or both are attracted to each other—the relationship cannot and will never be platonic. 
You can, however, pretend that it is platonic. And for some people, this is good enough.