2017: genre

6:40 AM

selalu ada satu specific genre yang mendominasi playlist gue tiap tahunnya. it's just my thing and happened unintentionally

2015 was full of folk and indie acoustic. bon iver, adhitya sofyan, novo amor, aimee saras, dialog hujan, etc
2016 was full of chill out, rnb music. fkj, hounded, chelsea cutler, ta-ku, hermitude, mura masa, medasin, etc

2017 is.... indie rock! lately i've been into indie rock and oldies rock so much. i LOVEEEE day wave geez how could an entire album be so perfect. my favorite song is promise, wasting time, and home. selain day wave, gue suka banget sama fazerdaze, plastic plastic, vancouver sleep clinic, dan simcoe. also i've been into the beach boys, the monkees and rolling stones too! listening to em songs made me thinking WHY DIDN'T I LIVE IN 60s IN AMERICAAA. why am i stuck here instead.

ok this is such a random post to write in 6 am. but i miss blogging so much, i wanted to write something, bodo amat apapun itu pokonya pengen nulis aja di blog, that's why this random post exist. however, postan lo yang mana juga yang kaga random cha. hm bye.

it's just a quick write sebelum gue ke library buat ngerjain tugas, paper, dan belajar ilneg (why uts harus 9 bab why???) dan pih dan agama and others which i actually don't give a fudge.


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