sometimes you just gotta dance it out

12:01 AM

beberapa minggu terakhir ini gue ngerasa gloomy abis with all these stuffs going on; proposal skripsi, entry data tiap hari, the baking responsibilities (yes gue jadi jalanin le maudre by the way), overthinking about how this pandemic affects my whole plan and possible career in the future, also the feaaarrrr and the anxiety of getting older in two fucking days...  i just fucking hate birthdays. except for the presents (yang sebenernya jarang gue dapet juga sih? my family & i rarely celebrate birthdays). i just never had a thing with birthday. 

i sleep at 2am and wake up at 10am everyday. so not me. so not motivated. gue bener bener butuh diri gue yang selalu bangun pagi di kosan trus ke perpusat, ngerjain apa yang bisa gue cicil se-early mungkin dari submission date atau simply baca buku / pretending baca buku, denger lagu, me-time. instead, gue malah procrastinating.

however, this time, this time.. I'M REALLY DONEEE ngerasa unenergized, penat dan exhausted mikirin dan ngejalanin hari-hari gue dengan gak happy! i need no more dullness in my life. my life is too precious for living such a lazy, unmotivated life like that. gue mau seneng, gue mau ngerasa alive, gue mau bebas, gue mau LEPAAAS, gue mau ke pantai, gue mau teriak sampe serak!

gue tau gue ga bisa ngelakuin 2 hal yang terakhir itu di situasi kayak gini. tapi lo tau ga sih, kalo ternyata refreshing your playlist and dancing to your favorite, happy songs turn out bisa bikin gue just as happy, i mean GENUINELY HAPPY that your body and energy filled by these pure enjoyment??? 

gila, ternyata udah selama itu gue ga ngerasa genuinely happy kayak gini! my skill in dancing is questionable, but i danced for 2 hours long in my bedroom (with my door locked) happily, sooooo lively, excitedly!!! i remember the moment i danced this happy was when i fell in love with a boy in high school and when the last exam in the 5th semester ended (which was, if i'm not mistaken, haptun), under the influence :))

gosh, what did i do with my life?

I SHOULD'VE LIVED MY LIFE LIKE THIS THE ENTIRE TIME! being so energized and alive and excited. don't get me wrong; emang gak rasional kalo gue memaksa diri gue untuk merasa selalu happy. tapi di saat gue emang lagi happy, harusnya gue bener-bener relish the feeling of being truly and genuinely happy! kayaknya gue terlalu banyak melewatkan momen-momen bahagia gue for granted (?), lewat begitu aja. lagian momen-momen bahagia di hidup gue yang deserve to be danced out harusnya gak cuma pas gue lagi jatuh cinta atau ujian beres aja gak sih? i should've dance my life out! 

anyway. sejujurnya gue gak tau arah pembicaraan gue kemana sih. terlebih gue ngetik ini sambil sibuk goyang di kursi plus nyanyi Mixtape 2003-nya The Academic,. perhaps i'm just trying to say: when you're feeling dull and exhausted and your life gets messy.. sometimes you just gotta dance it out.

p.s: this playlist contains my go-to songs to dance (awkwardly). it helped me. maybe it could help you too

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