
9:30 PM

Pernah nggak sih ngalamin fase dimana everything seems run perfectly, but empty as well. Keknya semua orang juga pernah deh ya? Hidup gue (hari ini gue lagi pengen manggil diri gue 'gue') kayaknya udah nggak exciting lagi akhir-akhir ini. Semuanya berjalan konstan, ibarat mobil yang nggak berubah laju kecepatannya. Maka terdapat hukum Newton I dalam hidup gue sekarang dimana resultan gaya yang bekerja pada hidup = 0.

anjir.. sotoy abis gue mengkolerasikan realita hidup sama teori physics.
hahahahahaha enek.

Okay, jadi gue pikir i need to put something fresh and new in my life. Some people said i need to find 'someone' that could brighten my life up. Simpelnya.. pacar. Entahlah, gue nggak berpikir itu ide yang bagus, karena gue rasa selama ini punya pacar ataupun engga, hidup gue nggak berubah. Weirdly i even thought that i haven't had a first love yet tho. So, having a relationship with someone ain't guaranteed any changes in my life. Lagipula lagi enjoy begini.

Some people said i need to do everything in my life in a different way. Such as, if you usually brush your teeth with your right hand, change it with your left hand. Take a different path on your way to school. Travel somewhere you have never been gone before. I DID all of those things but none of them significantly matters.

Some people said i need to get out of the routines. So i skipped school. But it didn't thrill me as well. My mum doesn't even care if i skip school.

Some people said i need to put a new activity in my life. So i enrolled an english course where i can meet new people with different ages & different perspectives. But it ended up by meeting an asshole who's underestimating my choice for picking social studies in school. It broke my whole mood.

Kudu gimana ya biar ga ngerasa 'kosong' begini..

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