holiday bucket list

8:43 PM

What to do in 3 months before college starts:

1) Redecorate my room. I think it's finally the right time to really own a room for myself setelah hampir 19 tahun selalu hijrah tidurnya (dan mostly di kamar mama). I'm thinking of buying stuffs like rugs, curtain, ornaments, or even make a lil photo studio in my room.

2) Ke Kingkong, beli banyak film dan namatin Grey's Anatomy yang mandek dari season 5 sampe season 13. Bahan ngabuburit di bulan puasa yeah :-)

3) Cut my hair into short, right after prom.

4) Ngelukis lagi. It's been a year since i touch my painting stuffs, even though i'm not really good at it.

5) Beli bibit bunga matahari trus ditanem di halaman rumah. Just wondering gimana rasanya berkebun since i have no experience at it, at all. Dan iya, harus banget bunga matahari.

6) Turning off my phone for 3 whole days. Seems impossible sih... but seriously, isn't it exhausting to fear of missing something out on the internet?

7) Go to several coffee shops i never been to, just to blog.

8) Spend some days in my sister's place and explore Jakarta by myself. Ga pernah sempet nyobain claypot popo di pasar santa sama nyobain kopinya tuku. Oh, dan makan gultik. Oke, kenapa sih yang ada di pikiran gue selalu makanan?

9) Do a video project or photo shoot project.

10) Making all these holiday bucket list happen.

source pic: pinterest

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